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Mac's Video Mailbox: Week of March 26
Posted by Mac on March 26, 2012
I always appreciate hearing from you and look forward to answering your questions on the video mailbox.

In this edition, I discuss the House's vote to repeal of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which was another unpopular part of the President's health care law.  Last week, I asked if you agree with the House's decision to work towards a full repeal of the health care law.  71% of participants said that they fully support the House's decision; 25% said they firmly disagree with with the House plan to repeal the law.  If you did not share your opinion, you may do so here.  Or, you can learn more about my decision to support the repeal of IPAB by reading the press statement and eNewsletter I released on Friday.

In this video mailbox, I also respond to a constituent's concerns about the Justice Department's involvement in the Texas law that would require voters to display a photo ID at the poll.  Let me know what you think about the issue by sharing your opinion here. I hope you'll tune in to this edition and keep the questions coming.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Sharon Hale commented on 12/13/2012
    In regard to that person in the White House blaming congress, he ALWAYS blames someone else for his incompetence and when something good happens because of someone else he gets in front of the mics and takes credit. Like when he had nothing whatsoever to do with bin Laden! And the stinking Dept. of Labor. MORONS! Except for congressmen raised in a rural setting they're clueless that farmers are the backbone of our country. They think their veggies, meats, cotton products, etc. come out of a grocery store. I am a proud daughter and granddaughter of farmers/ranchers. Ha! Ha! I'll probably be sending more of these. Everything about this administration infuriates me. That they're getting another four years is mind-boggling.
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