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Mac's Inaugural Video Mailbox
Posted by Mac on September 01, 2011

This is my inaugural effort to answer on video some of the more common questions I receive from the folks in our part of Texas.  In this first edition of "Mac's Video Mailbox" I answered questions about proposed post office closures in our part of Texas, possible changes to Social Security, Medicare, and military retirement, and the Tea Party.  I look forward to answering more questions in the future from those who contact me by phone, e-mail, letters, or on Facebook and Twitter.  I hope you’ll keep the questions coming.

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The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Wayne Kindred commented on 9/2/2011
    Thanks for answering my question.
  • joseph daniel commented on 9/7/2011
    I enjoyed your first video mailbox. Thanks much, Thanks for the good job you are trying to do!
  • Jack McCullough commented on 9/7/2011
    The video mailbox is a very good idea to inform us about your views.
  • Cole Young commented on 9/7/2011
    I liked the video very much. Can you send an email to notify us whe a new video hase been posted?
  • Irwin Weller commented on 9/8/2011
    Please help me understand how the USPS gets "NO" help from the tax payers!
  • Charlene Holt commented on 10/26/2011
    Representative Thornberry: I would like to ask a question please. What is your stance on House Bill HR822? What do you think about it and how do you plan on voting when it comes up? We are asking you to oppose HR822 and the amendments that have been attached to it. My entire family is pro-gun and want very much to stay that way. We do not want federal hands on our concealed carry permit - that is absolutely unacceptable. Thank you Charlene Holt Pampa, Texas, 79065
  • Dave Haymond commented on 11/2/2011
    Mac, Love your new video blog. For those of us still in the military (or married to the military as in my case) who are serving overseas, it helps watching your video blog and feels more personal, while we try to stay "in the know" with what's happening back home in Wichita Falls. Please keep up the good work! Dave Haymond Former military and now military spouse
  • Ann Johnson commented on 11/2/2011
    Thanks for the video. I enjoyed hearing your views through this format and look forward to the next "mailbox".
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