Media Support for Strengthening Advocacy Good Governance and Empowerment (MESSAGE)

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A well-trained media improves citizens’ understanding and participation in the democratic process, particularly on development issues, such as education and health care, transparency and accountability in governance, and better delivery of basic services.

The Media Support for Strengthening Advocacy, Good Governance and Empowerment (MESSAGE) program builds the capacity of journalists and the media to create awareness and to participate in peace and democratic governance activities including conflict mitigation, local governance and decentralization, electoral reform, and legislative strengthening.  MESSAGE also integrates the media into other areas of USAID activities by promoting sector-specific (i.e., economic growth, health, and education) behavior change communication (BCC) programming; creating demand for HIV counseling and testing through nationwide radio and television campaigns; organizing media stakeholder round tables; and conducting state-level interactive media roundtables on policy and advocacy.

This creates synergies among USAID activities and strengthens the impact of the media in Nigeria.  

MESSAGE Strategy:

MESSAGE builds the media’s capacity, enabling it to more effectively serve the public interest by promoting professionalism and best practices; increasing the media’s technical and thematic capacity to produce programs that engage various audiences on governance issues such as transparency in the hydrocarbon industry, electoral reform, service delivery, and conflict mitigation; and building the capacity of civil society organizations to engage and use the media. During the first two years of implementation, MESSAGE trained 153 journalists, supported a forum for 21 journalists to improve media reporting on health and HIV/AIDS budgeting, and trained senior staff of 20 partner media organizations. In 2012, MESSAGE plans to train 120 journalists and provide technical assistance to 24 media organizations.


  • Increased professionalism of journalists, media technical staff and managers
  • Governance issues are reported objectively and professionally
  • Demonstrable improvements in the capacity of the media on important governance and social issues
  • Improved civil society organizations’ capacity to engage media
  • Increased partnership and collaboration between the media and civil society


  • Project Name: Media Support for Strengthening Advocacy, Good Governance and Empowerment (MESSAGE)
  • Life of Project: 2009 – 2012
  • Funding: $15.2 Million: USAID/Nigeria - $4.5 million; BBC/World Trust - $10.7 million (in-kind contributions)
  • Implementing Partner: BBC/World Service Trust
  • Geographic Focus: Nationwide