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Pay & Leave

REE Voluntary Leave Transfer Program

Employees may donate unused annual leave to eligible Federal employees who are experiencing a personal or family medical emergency and are facing serious economic hardship because of the unavailability of paid leave, i.e. all leave has been exhausted and employee has been advanced leave or will be on LWOP for at least 24 hrs.  

Purpose of this page

The information below will assist employees who choose to become a recipient in the REE Voluntary Leave Transfer Program and those who decide to donate leave to approved recipients.


  • Must use all annual leave and all entitled sick leave (480 hrs). 
  • Advanced leave and LWOP can be covered if it relates to the subject illness or injury. 
  • Apply within 90 days of medical emergency.
  • Full-time employees may not receive more than 2087 hours of donated leave for any given emergency. 
  • Part-time employees may receive an amount of leave equal to the number of hours scheduled to be worked in a year.

To apply:

Prospective leave recipients may apply for acceptance into the Program by submitting the following information to: Laura O’Hare, GWCC, 5601 Sunnyside Ave, 3-1136A, Beltsville, MD 20705-5103:

  1. REE-3A Recipient Application (Personal) or the
  2. REE-3B Recipient Application (Family), (both forms can be found in e-forms)
  3. A medical certificate with diagnosis/prognosis, beginning, and estimated end date of the medical emergency
  4. A leave audit for the current year signed by the supervisor

NOTE: In Section 10 of the REE-3A or 3B, REQUEST FOR LEAVE DONATIONS, the applicant must approve the wording and any e-mails, memos, flyers, or Website used for this purpose.

To Donate Leave:

  • Donations can be submitted by employees through webTA, or employees/timekeepers may retrieve form REE 4 (Donor Application) from e-forms or from the HR forms page. If submitting a hard copy, complete the form and sign the Certification of Voluntary Donation in PART II.
  • Fax the form to the Laura O’Hare. Fax: 301-504-1493.

Signing of Waiver on donation form:

Only sign the waiver portion of the REE-4 form if you are donating more than the PART I calculated hours.

Last Updated 03/11/2010