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Can I get a tour of a local weather facility?

Most Air Force weather facilities offer short tours of facilities and mission overviews. Tours may include briefings of unique weather support and demonstrations of various weather technologies. Most tours can be arranged year around, however some limitations may apply to large groups. Large groups may require multiple visits, and limited tour dates. Contact the public affairs office at any military installation to inquire about a weather tour.

Can I get a tour of the Air Force Weather Agency?

Tours of AFWA, located at Offutt AFB, Neb., are limited to high school classes studying weather, Junior ROTC cadets, college meteorology classes and ROTC cadets. Limitations apply to groups of more than 25-30 guests. For students younger than high school age, we suggest our community outreach program where forecasters can come to your school.

For more information, please contact the Air Force Weather Agency Public Affairs office at (402) 294-3663.

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