

The prerequisite to prosperity is keeping spending under control and not pushing our country further into debt. Learn more about my stance on the economy.


Whether it is oil, gas, nuclear, biomass, solar, wind or other sources of energy, America needs to fully utilize all domestic energy resources. Learn more about where I stand on energy issues.

Foreign Affairs

As chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, I have been at the forefront of many foreign policy and national security debates over Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and China. Find out more about my stance on foreign affairs.


I believe that Americans have a fundamental right to seek access to health insurance and that the government should not inhibit individuals from seeking that access. Learn more about my views on health issues.

Homeland Security

Immediately following my election to the House in November 1988, I became a leading proponent for disaster mitigation. Find out more about my views on homeland security.

Global Warming

Learn about my views on global warming.


Despite all the rhetoric and decades of posturing, our southern border remains operationally unsecured, and unemployment remains unacceptably high, and yes, the massive flow of illegal aliens into our country remains unabated. Learn more about my stance on Immigration.

Patent Reform

Learn about my views on patent reform.

Space and Science

We Californians take pride in our contributions to the space and technology accomplishments of our country. Learn more about my stance on space and science.