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Documentation and Training (DT) Workspace Newcomer Information

Mission And Goals

The mission of the Documentation & Training Workspace is to facilitate widespread adoption, dissemination, and use of caBIG™ interoperable tools, standards, and data sets within the larger cancer and biomedical communities. Our primary goal is to support the creation and dissemination of documentation and training materials for caBIG™-related projects and community-wide resources.

Additional overview materials:

You can see who is involved in this workspace on the list of  Documentation & Training Workspace Participating Organizations


How It Operates

The Documentation & Training Workspace welcomes participation in the workspace from anyone interested in documentation, training and educational issues. Participant activities include attending regular teleconferences and periodic face-to-face meetings, and assisting in creating guides and training modules.

If you are interested in learning more you can join the next teleconference by emailing the workspace lead to get the toll free dial-in number and access code. The Contact Information section provides contact information for the workspace lead.

Teleconferences: Workspace participants meet regularly via teleconference to discuss issues and devise solutions. The Documentation & Training WS meetings are held on first Wednesdays of each month and listed on the Schedule. To see what the DT WS has been working on recently, you can review the Meeting Notes from past teleconferences.

Listservs: This workspace uses two listservs:

  • The NIH Documentation & Training Listserv is for communication and collaboration among workspace participants between teleconferences. Discussions, teleconference agendas and dial-in information as well as cancellations are sent out on that listserv, so signing up is a good way to keep up-to-date.


What have they done (products)

New guides and products from the Documentation & Training Workspace are published regularly, and can be found through the Training Portal.

last modified 10-06-2008 02:40 PM