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Semiconductor Revolution


The Next Semiconductor Revolution: This Time It’s Lighting!

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Speaker: Jeffrey Tsao, Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories and Chief Scientist of the Energy Frontier Research Center for Solid-State Lighting Science

Date: March 31, 2010

Event: Lecture at Albuquerque Academy

Abstract: The lecture reviews two previous revolutions in which semiconductor-based technologies supplanted vacuum-tube technologies (electronics and displays) and then focuses on the third and upcoming revolution (illumination). Topics cover the basics of light-emitting diode operation; a 200-year history of lighting technology; the importance of white light and color vision to the evolutionary biology of trilobites, birds, mammals and primates; ways in which white light can be created from colored light; ways in which light-emitting diodes are currently being used in colored-light applications; and speculations on possible future ways in which light-emitting diodes might be used in white-light applications.

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