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Guide to Defining Video Quality Requirements

Revised May 29, 2012
Section 3 of 9 of step 2 -- Generalize Use Cases into Use Classes -- in the bar chart highlighing the 4-step process for definfing video quality requirements.

Usage Timeframe


Specifies whether the video will be used in real-time or will be recorded. Sometimes the same camera is used for both live surveillance and recorded evidence. In this case, it is important to examine both uses separately to develop requirements.

Live Usage

Live video is used for real-time applications such as, live surveillance or live tactical control of a situation.

Future Usage

Recorded video is stored for later use such as, for evidence in a case. Recorded video carries with it the ability to rewind, freeze, zoom, and further process the capture. Conversely, live video that is not stored carries no capture progress control and is used only in real-time.

Use Characteristics

Lists usage time frame consideration, characteristics, uses, and examples.


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