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Olson, Blackburn, Enter EPA Video Contest

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressmen Pete Olson (TX-22) and Marsha Blackburn (TN-7) today submitted their joint entry to the EPA's "Rulemaking Matters!" video contest. In April, both Olson and Blackburn raised concerns over the EPA's wasteful use of taxpayer dollars as prize money for this contest. In a hearing before the Energy and Commerce Committee late last month, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson claimed that she was unaware of programs within her department that use taxpayer dollars as prize money. Since her testimony, Congressman Blackburn's office has identified six separate video contests initiated since 2009 offering prizes of more than $30,000.

"When Washington is spending billions upon billions for bailouts and failed economic recovery efforts to quench a tax and spend agenda, $30,000 may seem like barely a drop in the bucket,” Rep. Olson said.  “But in Texas, we know that a thousand here and a thousand there starts to add up to real money that families should be spending where they see fit, not where Washington bureaucrats want to.  My friend Marsha understands this concept as well, that is why we teamed up to highlight how Americans can participate in the rulemaking process.”

"Since neither Administrator Jackson or the President have responded to my request to end this wasteful spending, I have only one immediate recourse; enter the contest, win it, and return the prize money to the treasury myself. I am grateful that my friend and colleague, Pete Olson, has joined me in this important project,” Rep. Blackburn stated.

The Blackburn-Olson entry on the importance of public participation in the federal rule making process can be seen here.

EPA "Rulemaking Matters!" contest rules can be found here

Other EPA Video Contests with cash prizes:
Water Quality Video Contest  ($5,000 prize money)
Rulemaking Matters Video Contest  ($2,500 prize money)
Our Planet, Our Stuff Video Contest  ($2,500 prize money)
"Faces of the Grassroots": Environmental Justice Video Contest ($11,000 total prize money)
Learn Before You Burn Video Contest ($4,250 prize money, including a $250 Treasury Bond)
Lead Poisoning Prevention ($5,000 prize money)
