What’s New

  • U.S. Cyber Challenge and Cal Poly Pomona Announce Winners of the California Cyber Summer Camp Capture the Flag Competition  Read more…
  • Homeland Security Official Visits Cal Poly’s Cyber Camp  Read more…
  • Press Release: “U.S. Cyber Challenge and Virginia Tech Announce Winners of the East Coast Cyber Summer Camp Capture the Flag Competition”   Read more…
  • A Cyber Summer Camp for All Ages  Read more…
  • Press Release: “Over A Thousand Young Cyber Security Enthusiasts Registered and Competed in CyberQuests 2012″   Read more…
  • Secretary Napolitano spoke at San Jose State University about the DHS cybersecurity mission and the need for cybersecurity professionals. Read more…


Message from the President

In a press release concerning USCC’s new home, Michael Assante, President of NBISE, stated, “As we move forward, the USCC program will increase our support of those serving students and practitioners by establishing a library of best practices for accelerating the proficiency, validating the skills, and enhancing the potential of cybersecurity professionals. USCC will continue to recognize performers, provide participants and clubs with a place to catalogue and demonstrate their involvement, and grow scholarship opportunities.”

Mr. Assante concluded, “I can’t overstate the importance of the human dimension in cybersecurity and the need to inspire, develop, and apply our greatest asset — talent and ingenuity — to protect and defend our nation’s digital frontiers.”

USCC Montage - Camps and Competitions

Welcome to U.S. Cyber Challenge

The mission of the U.S.Cyber Challenge (USCC) is to significantly reduce the shortage in the cyber workforce by serving as the premier program to identify, attract, recruit and place the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. USCC’s goal is to find 10,000 of America’s best and brightest to fill the ranks of cybersecurity professionals where their skills can be of the greatest value to the nation.

Partners & Stakeholders:

USCC works with the cybersecurity community to bring accessible, compelling programs that motivate students and professionals to pursue education, development, and career opportunities in cybersecurity. Together we protect cybersecurity infrastructure.

  • High Schools
  • Community Colleges
  • Universities
  • State Governments
  • Federal Government
  • Corporate Sponsors and Partners
  • National Labs and Research Facilities
  • Media and Publishers

USCC Building Blocks

Working with industry and academic institutions all over the country, USCC fosters partnerships and sponsorships that help students and professionals who want to help protect the U.S.A.’s vital cyber assets and infrastructure.

  • April Cyber Quests Challenge: Compete Now!

    April 16 – 30, 2012

  • N. Virginia – USCC Summer Camp: Click Here!

    June 25 – 29, 2012

  • Delaware – USCC Summer Camp: Click Here!

    July 9 – 13, 2012

  • S. California – USCC Summer Camp: Click Here!

    July 16 – 20, 2012

  • 2012 CSAW CyberSecurity Summer Boot Camp for High School Teachers: Click Here!

    July 29 – August 5, 2012

  • N. California – USCC Summer Camp: Click Here!

    August 6 – 10, 2012

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