Opening Doors Across America

We invite states and communities across the country to formally join our national effort by taking four steps:

  1. Align your community plan with Opening Doors
  2. Set targets and measure results
  3. Act strategically
  4. Partner in the national efforts to end homelessness

If your community takes these 4 actions, you will become an Opening Doors Community. This will help your community achieve results and be recognized as a champion for your leadership in ending homelessness. This is something you can highlight as you seek to advance your goals by applying for local, state and federal programs. It will also connect you to a support network through where you can exchange ideas and practices with USICH and peers across the country who are facing the same challenges. Now is the time to collaborate and to invest in and act on strategies that are proven to make an impact.

USICH profiled communities across the country that are already demonstrating practices encouraged in Opening Doors Across America in line with four key steps noted above

Learn from Communities Leading the Way

We also developed a set of tools that will guide your community through the steps outlined in Opening Doors Across America and that will help you take effective strategic action to end homelessness locally.

Access Tools for Local Action

Whether or not you are directly involved with your state or local government, there are many things you can do to encourage your community to join us and to help them achieve the status of an Opening Doors Community. Please read about ways you can get involved by clicking a link below.




State and Local Government

Opening Doors Across America has been endorsed by many leaders and national organizations focused on homelessness including the following:

100k Homes, Community Solutions, Corporation for Supportive Housing, Funders Together, National Alliance to End Homelessness, National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, National Coalition for the Homeless, National Health Care for the Homeless Council, National Low Income Housing Coalition, The U.S. Conference of Mayors