Deployment and Mobilization Support

Army Reserve: Drilling

Benefit Fact Sheet


Family assistance and support services will be provided to Families of Active and Reserve Component forces and to emergency-essential civilians in support of military operations - deployment or mobilization and Stability and Support Operations (SSOs) (includes mass casualties, evacuation, natural disasters, and acts of terror).


Army Reserve Soldiers on drilling status and their family are eligible for Deployment and Mobilization Support services.

Benefit Highlights:

Mobilization and Deployment Readiness Program: The Army Community Service (ACS) Mobilization and Deployment Readiness Program provides active duty, reserve, and guard units with pre and post deployment/mobilization briefings, Family Readiness Group assistance, information and referral services, resource materials, and Operation R.E.A.D.Y. (Resources for Education About Deployment and You) training.  Training modules provide practical instruction pertaining to ongoing readiness.  Topics include: Understanding and Planning for Military Separation and Pre-deployment Ongoing Readiness, Coping with Separation, and Financial Planning.  The materials are designed to support unit commanders in preparing Soldiers, civilian employees, and their Families for military operations.

Pre deployment or mobilization and SSOs assistance will include:  

  • Orientations for units and their Families that outline the assistance available upon unit activation and individual mobilization.  Similar orientations should be provided to deploying emergency-essential civilians and their Families.
  • Assistance to single parents, dual military couples, and dual emergency-essential civilian couples in developing Family care plans for deployment.
  • Coordination with local and State human service assistance agencies.

Deployment or mobilization and SSOs assistance: During deployment or mobilization and SSOs, ACS will: 

  • Establish a toll-free number to address Family issues and crises.
  • Provide support to waiting Families.
  • Assist Families in identifying resources for relocating, as applicable.
  • Serve as a sponsor for Families with special needs.
  • Assist Family Readiness Groups (FRG).

FRGs are organizations of Family members (both immediate and extended such as fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles, and so forth), volunteers, and Soldiers belonging to a unit, that together provide information and assistance to others in the group.  They create an atmosphere of mutual support within the group and provide a network of communication between the Family members, the chain of command, and community resources.

Post deployment or mobilization and SSOs assistance: This assistance will include briefings, workgroups to deal with Family reunification problems, and command after action reports (includes lessons learned and recommendations for improving procedures).

Additional Information: is an Army Community Service-sponsored website that provides information about deployment, reunion, finances, Family, children's workbooks, and Family Readiness Groups. The download center allows Army Families to research and download information that is important for them:

For active duty military, including mobilized or deployed Reserve and Guard personnel, living in an area where no childcare is offered or is unavailable at an installation due to high demand, use:

Visit the ARNG G1 Gateway, a one-stop shop for ARNG Information:

Document Review Date: 10 February 2012