
Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease
  • Updated:Sep 21,2011
Particulate Matter Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease
An Update to the Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

Circ Journal Cover for Science News

  • Does air pollution cause cardiovascular disease and death?
  • Is there a safe level of air pollution exposure?
  • What’s new?  Findings and recommendations for reducing risk and exposure

    Read the full article in Circulation
    Circulation. 2010; 121: 2331-2378 Published online before print May 10, 2010, doi: 10.1161/?CIR.0b013e3181dbece1

Supporting Materials Other Resources
Related Statements and Guidelines

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombsis and  Vascular Biology

Integrative Physiology/Experimental Medicine:
Air Pollution Exposure Potentiates Hypertension Through Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated Activation of Rho/ROCK
Qinghua Sun, et al; Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, Oct 2008; 28: 1760 - 1766.
Abstract | Full Text | Data Supplement

Integrative Physiology/Experimental Medicine:
Vehicular Emissions Induce Vascular MMP-9 Expression and Activity Associated With Endothelin-1–Mediated Pathways
Amie K. Lund, et al; Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, Apr 2009; 29: 511 - 517.
Abstract | Full Text | Data Supplement



Causes and Consequences af Oxidative Stress:
Abstract 1385: Atmospheric Nanoparticles Induce Vascular Oxidative Stress via JNK Activation
Rongsong Li, et al;Circulation, Oct 2008; 118: S_318.
Meeting Abstract

The Expanding Role of Air Pollution in Cardiovascular Disease: Does Air Pollution Contribute to Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis?
C. Arden Pope, III. Circulation, Jun 2009; 119: 3050 - 3052.
Full Text

Air Quality and Cardiovascular Health: Smoke and Pollution Matter
Annette Peters, Circulation, Sep 2009; 120: 924 - 927.
Full Text

Particulate Air Pollution as a Risk Factor for ST-Segment Depression in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease
Kai Jen Chuang, et al; Circulation, Sep 2008; 118: 1314 - 1320.
Abstract | Full Text

Epidemiology and Prevention:
Cardiovascular Mortality and Exposure to Airborne Fine Particulate Matter and Cigarette Smoke: Shape of the Exposure-Response Relationship
C. Arden Pope, III, et al; Circulation, Sep 2009; 120: 941 - 948.
Abstract | Full Text

Epidemiology And Prevention:
Emergency Hospital Admissions for Cardiovascular Diseases and Ambient Levels of Carbon Monoxide: Results for 126 United States Urban Counties, 1999–2005
Michelle L. Bell, et al; Circulation, Sep 2009; 120: 949 - 955.
Abstract | Full Text | Data Supplement

Molecular Cardiology:
Ambient Air Pollution Exaggerates Adipose Inflammation and Insulin Resistance in a Mouse Model of Diet-Induced Obesity
Qinghua Sun, et al; Circulation, Feb 2009; 119: 538 - 546.
Abstract | Full Text | Data Supplement

Preventive Cardiology:
Effect of the Italian Smoking Ban on Population Rates of Acute Coronary Events
Giulia Cesaroni, et al; Circulation, Mar 2008; 117: 1183 - 1188.
Abstract | Full Text

Vascular Medicine:
Living Near Major Traffic Roads and Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis
Andrea Baccarelli, et al; Circulation, Jun 2009; 119: 3118 - 3124.
Abstract | Full Text

Circulation Research

Integrative Physiology:
Ambient Particulate Pollutants in the Ultrafine Range Promote Early Atherosclerosis and Systemic Oxidative Stress
Jesus A. Araujo, et al; Circ. Res., Mar 2008; 102: 589 - 596.
Abstract | Full Text | Data Supplement


Original Articles:
Acute Effects of Ambient Particulate Matter on Blood Pressure: Differential Effects Across Urban Communities
J. Timothy Dvonch, et al; Hypertension, May 2009; 53: 853 - 859.
Abstract | Full Text

Original Articles:
Insights Into the Mechanisms and Mediators of the Effects of Air Pollution Exposure on Blood Pressure and Vascular Function in Healthy Humans
Robert D. Brook, et al; Hypertension, Sep 2009; 54: 659 - 667.
Abstract | Full Text | Data Supplement

Original Articles:
Contribution of Endothelin 1 to the Vascular Effects of Diesel Exhaust Inhalation in Humans
Jeremy P. Langrish, et al; Hypertension, Oct 2009; 54: 910 - 915.
Abstract | Full Text


Geographic Determinants of Stroke Mortality. Role of Ambient Air Pollution
Jiu-Chiuan Chen; Stroke, Mar 2010; doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.110.578476

Original Contribution:
Impact of Outdoor Air Pollution on Survival After Stroke. Population-Based Cohort Study
Ravi Maheswaran, et al; Stroke, Mar 2010; doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.109.567743

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