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Media Relations


The American Center in Vilnius is responsible for the public affairs of the American Embassy in Lithuania. In this capacity, it works closely with Lithuanian print and electronic media to provide current information about U.S. Government activities and policies with respect to Lithuania, as well as policy statements by high-ranking U.S. Government officials. The American Center publishes a daily Washington File, distributed electronically, which provides both time-sensitive and in-depth information. The Washington File includes full transcripts of White House, State Department and Defense Department press briefings, speeches, testimony before the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, by-lined articles by Administration officials, and materials providing analysis of key issues.

The Media Section also arranges official Embassy press conferences, schedules interviews for Embassy officials and official visitors with journalists, and publishes press releases about activities and programs of the U.S. Government in Lithuania.

From time to time, the American Center Media Section organizes Worldnet Interactive video conferences, enabling Lithuanian journalists and professionals to discuss issues of mutual interest with American officials, academics and experts via satellite and telephone link.

Press Releases