Home About Us Visiting Scholars AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellows Program

American Association for the Advancement of Science Science and Technology Policy Fellows Program

Through the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy Fellows Program, IWR sponsors post-doctoral and senior fellows to work on water resource policy issues such as analyzing the linkages between water resources development and water resources problems (e.g. drought, floods) and the economies of developing nations. Individuals with a systems engineering, economics, public participation or water resources background are especially encouraged to apply.  Applications are taken once a year in January, with interviews in the March.  This highly selective fellowship program gives scientists and engineers a real-world introduction to how science interacts with policy in Washington.  For more information see http://fellowships.aaas.org/  You are leaving a Federal Government web site. Click this icon for more information..

AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellows Program Visiting Scholars

2006 – 2007: Dr. Alexey Voinov

How to Apply

American Association for the Advancement of Science Science and Technology Policy Fellows Program, applications are taken once a year in January, with interviews in the March.

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