April 29, 2011

HUD Announces Historic Level of Funding

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This week, Secretary Donovan awarded more than $216 million in homeless assistance funding to nearly 700 new programs around the country. HUD awarded $26 million more than last year’s grants and, combined with $1.4 billion in renewal funding announced earlier this year, the Department has awarded the most homelessness assistance funds ever.   

“These funds arrive at an important moment,” said Secretary Donovan. “In the midst of what anyone who has worked to end homelessness would agree has been a remarkable period of progress.”

The new homeless assistance funding will invest in local projects which have never before received HUD homeless funds, providing critically needed housing and support services to an estimated 21,000 homeless individuals and families. Though homelessness is largely an urban phenomenon, HUD also is targeting a record $16.4 million to 87 never-before-funded programs in less populated areas of the country to meet the unique challenges faced by homeless individuals and families living in rural areas. 

This announcement also provides a significant investment towards the Obama Administration’s plan to end all homelessness through, Opening Doors, an unprecedented federal strategy to end veteran and chronic homelessness by 2015, and to end homelessness among children, families, and youth by 2020.

10 Responses to HUD Announces Historic Level of Funding

  1. hi my name is debbie iam 50 years i always wrk until last year then my husband got sick i live n fl had to take of work at the of hie life iam taking him and raising my grand child when i went out med leave my job send letter to me on the day my husband died say that i was not to come back that they did not want me back i was very up set i work there for seven years it was kick in the gut so i had to sell my house in fl iam staying with family here in new jersey i dont want be here i get uneployment 388 every to weeks i cant offord noting can some one help me please

  2. Funding “Never-Before-Funded” programs? You seem to have money for that but can’t seem to pay for existing HCV Admin Fees?
    Something is broke at HUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Good Luck Debra, just call Sheri Malnak in Trenton, New Jersey
    at 609-984-8453 or email like you sent in to here, Sheri’s
    email is or write a letter to Sheri
    Malnak, Director The New Jersey DCA and Housing,
    P.O. Box 051 Trenton, NJ 08625-0051
    and tell her you need help. I know you can be helped!

  4. Hi, I would love to help. I have a house full of furniture that I would be happy to give to someone in need. I also have a skin care and makeup business that is low cost to start. And I will pray for you. Good Luck, Anita

  5. What exactly is homeless assistance? Is this something that helps people who are homeless have a place to lay their head or does it help them buy a home?

  6. To Whom It May Concern: My name is Janet L. Dennis I will be 50 this month. I have two sons Austin P. Dennis and Samuel J. Dennis. Austin has a prenatal stroke inside of me. I have a husband, Kelly that is in a Rehab Center in Louisville, Christopher East. I am recently retired from the VA Medical Center after 25 1/2 years of service. I have an interview for part-time work on May 11, 2001. I am currently seeking relocation to a HUD Home because my month income will only be $419.00 a month. I have already filled out an application for our HUD here in Lexington Kentucky and all the people there are wonderful. I read your web usually daily for updates. Sometimes I do not understand all of it but I try to keep current. Is there any suggestions you have for me or listings in my area that you could send me by email so that I won’t miss anything? I have not met Mr. Austin Sims, whose address is 300 West New Circle Road, Lexington, KY 40505 and phone 859-281-5060, but I a looking forward to the opportunity. Any information that you could send me I could share with him or you could forward to him which will also help hundres of others. Thank you for this consideration and the wealth of knowledge that you have and are willing to share. Respectfully, Janet L. Dennis

  7. First one learns that when you call HUD asking for help they get your name and zip code to enter in their computer and then you are transferred to a “HUD Approved Counseling Agency” My work with the Counseling Agency has proven to be of no help – they can mail out the HAMP Application Packet, they can answer questions you may have about the application. HOPE NOW – Same Process – Same Counseling Agency
    RESULT: I told them we do not qualify for HAMP – 31% of gross more like 45% of net but that doesn’t count. They said you have to agree to fill out HAMP Application or you can’t be referred to a HUD Approved Counseling Agency. OK I’ll agree and was connected to Green Path – not in my state. Did Application – Lender sent back offer for a 3 month trial period at a higher mortgage payment with decision on what they would do with the loan after that trial period. Called Green Path as this appeared to be “Dual Tracking” setting us up for an Accelerated Foreclosure. I was told that the payment had only increased $80/mo and at least it bought me some time. END OF HUD Help – CALL HUD to find out what happens when my family is homeless – what next. They said they’d have to transfer me to a “HUD Approved Counseling Agency”. I’ve been working with the HUD Counseling Agency and they’ve left me in the cold – they then proceeded to start with finding an expense I can remove or reduce so that I can make my mortgage payment. HUD – PLEASE PAY ATTENTION – YOU’VE GIVEN BILLIONS to Non-Profit Agencies who mail out HAMP Application Packets which the lender’s are sending to their defaulted borrowers and are available on the internet for download – NOT COUNSELING – NOT HELP WORKING WITH LENDER – Just an overpaid Mail Clerk. National Mortgage Help Center as advertised on TV 1-800-682-4702 is really just a marketing company for many different businesses – I was connected with LEGACY HOLDING GROUP which is a legal team. For quite a price they advise HUD Counselor’s not covering all the bases and that the U.S. Treasury had developed a 2nd program which we qualified for and with it they could/would negotiate with the Lender and get our mortgage payment to a point that we could meet our living expenses, make mortgage payment and be able to put $200-$300/mo in savings for home and auto maintenance and other extra expenses we incur year to year. WHY HUD can not/will not provide this help – It’s side-tracked it through to thousands of “Agencies” which operate under their own agenda. TRY TO FILE A COMPLAINT WITH HUD ABOUT HOPE NOW or GREEN PATH – Not via telephone – the phone is just a computerized system of transfers. KINDA LIKE POSTING HERE – Maybe it’ll be read – Maybe not. If Legacy Holding Group ends up being a scam and we end up homeless there is no help through HUD or any of it’s agencies. They’re trying to get apartment managers to cut the red tape for new homeless/homeowners – WHEEEEE – I can pay as much in rent as I did in Mortgage only now I’m buying someone else’s home and getting less income as I no longer have that deductable expense. As we’re in our late 50′s early 60′s – 10 years at Fortune 500 Company the idea of finding a Bridge to sleep under is Terrifying – THANK YOU HUD FOR NOTHING –
    Thank You Government for not Getting the Message – Our Cost of Living has escalated to the point we can no longer afford to be home owners and the billions you’re giving away is only creating a few temporary jobs to mail out application packets – U.S.A. no Longer Anything to be Proud Of:(

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