October 31, 2012

Rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy

As images of the aftermath of Sandy come in and surveys of the damages are being assessed, it is without a doubt that millions of people on the East Coast have been left to pick up the pieces of their homes.  Some families will have to endure repairs that will cost thousands while others will [...]

January 27, 2012

A Guamanian dream

With the governor’s goal to build 3,000 new affordable homes by 2017 in the background, Guam is moving forward on more affordable housing for its residents. A groundbreaking ceremony held in the Machananano area this week will lead to 10 single-family affordable three-bedroom 1,250-square-foot homes. “This is about the Guamanian dream, about people owning a [...]

January 13, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to The HUDdle!

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It’s time to break out the party hats, balloons and the birthday cake (you can’t forget the cake!) to celebrate the 1st birthday of the Department’s official blog: The HUDdle.  A year ago on Sunday, HUD launched a new interactive blog to better serve you, our most important customer.  This is just one way HUD [...]

December 16, 2011

Hot off the presses…HUD’s NEW proposed HOME rule!

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Today, HUD’s new  proposed regulations under its HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) are published in the Federal Register. HOME is the largest federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to produce affordable housing for low-income families.  Since 1992, the HOME Program has successfully assisted the creation of more than one million affordable [...]

November 25, 2011

CDBG and HOME at work in Arlington, Texas

It wasn’t that long ago when residents along Jordan Lane in Arlington, Texas wouldn’t dare walk down the street day or night.  But thanks to HUD’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Programs, Jordan Lane is a real neighborhood again. City planners in Arlington sought to revitalize this west-side neighborhood, starting with 11 blighted [...]
