June 23, 2011

Better Farmworker Housing as One Path to a Stronger Rural America

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Our guest blogger today is Mercedes Márquez, HUD Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development. As the granddaughter of farmworkers, I know how hard farmworkers work and I know the tremendous contribution they make to the American economy and to the meals our families eat every day. Today I am in our nation’s northwest, speaking [...]


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Interested in being among the first to know about HUD news as it breaks?  Would you like this information to come straight to your inbox?  HUD has created a new listserv with the latest news alerts and press releases involving issues and programs that are important to you.  You can sign up by entering your [...]

June 22, 2011

Daily Housing News Round-Up

Time for your daily dose of housing news: In the wake of devastating tornados that struck western Massachusetts earlier this month, Gov. Deval Patrick said he is committed to “not just rebuilding, but revitalizing our communities.” HUD is helping homeowners and renters in Montana recover from floods in the spring. We are celebrating the 12th [...]

June 21, 2011

Daily Housing News Round-Up

Want more housing news? Follow HUD’s Twitter list and subscribe to receive News Alerts so you can stay informed on the latest news from HUD. Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick unveiled a new strategy to fight homelessness in his state. States are taking the lead when it comes to improving energy efficiency. We all know efficient [...]

June 20, 2011

Daily Housing News Round-Up

We hope your Father’s Day weekend went well! It certainly did for dads who visited public housing agencies across the country Saturday, where they celebrated fatherhood and were connected with valuable resources for families. Check out coverage of Father’s Day 2011 events in Las Vegas, Chattanooga, Tenn., and Conway, S.C. HUD announced its new Emergency [...]
