April 27, 2012

Daily Housing News Round-Up

The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans honors President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their leadership to end veteran homelessness. The Associated Press reports that the number of Americans who signed contracts to buy U.S. homes rose in March. American Indian communities look to tap renewable energy potential with federal seed money. Craigslist changes [...]

December 13, 2011

Working to End Veterans’ Homelessness

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As the war in Iraq draws to a close, Secretary Donovan and Department of Veterans’ Affairs Secretary, Eric Shinseki joined together to announce some real progress in veterans’ homelessness.  Every year, we measure the progress made toward ending homelessness through the annual “Point-in-Time” (PIT) count.  And this year, we are happy to report that veterans’ [...]

August 8, 2011

Daily Housing News Round-Up

We hope you had a good, relaxing weekend. Now it’s back to the grind, but maybe the day’s best housing links can help make Monday a little brighter: National Public Radio goes in depth on the causes of homelessness among female veterans. HUD is helping Detroit put Mayor Dave Bing’s plan to revitalize the Motor [...]

August 4, 2011

Daily Housing News Round-Up

Happy birthday, President Obama! Our gift to you is this round-up of the day’s housing news: After a massive overhaul of its public housing, once-notorious New Orleans neighborhoods are thriving. HUD employee Ann Marie Olivia is up for an award recognizing her work streamlining the process for getting help to those who need it. A [...]

July 27, 2011

Daily Housing News Round-UP

There’s bit of local flavor to this round-up, with Washington, D.C., making a few appearances in a big day of housing news: In HUD’s neighborhood, Washington is looking into sustainable development on DC’s Southwest side. One homeowner writes about their good experience with a Washington initiative that improves the city’s rivers with landscaping. We already [...]
