NREL: Image Gallery


Learn about submitting images to the Image Gallery, searching the collection, and the Image Gallery terms and conditions.


To submit photographs to the Image Gallery, contact for required forms, including model releases.


Model Releases
A fully executed model release shall be supplied to NREL with all photographs and images, regardless of whether such photographs or images are delivered to NREL electronically or in hard copy. Such model release shall certify that the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, Management and Operating Contractor for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the United States Government is granted a non-exclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish such photographs in any medium or reproduce such photographs or allow others to do so for United States Government purposes.  Model releases are required in all situations in which a reasonable person would respond in the affirmative to the question—could someone, other than the model himself/herself, recognize the person in this photograph or image?


Photo, Illustration, and Video Credits

If you use a photo, illustration, or video from the NREL Image Gallery, you must provide appropriate credit and the image number in the credit.


Examples of credits:

Illustration by Ray David, NREL 12345

Photo by Pat Corkery, NREL 54321


Email the Image Gallery for additional information on photo, illustration, and video credits.


Search Tips

AND operator
To locate results containing multiple search terms, simply enter the word or enter words separated by AND. (In either case, the words may be found in any order and when searching across all fields, may not be present in the same field):

hot dog
hot and dog 

OR operator
To locate results containing any of your search terms, use the OR operator:

hot or dog 

Negative operator
To exclude a word from the search results, add a minus sign in front of the word:

hot -dog 

To find a phrase, use quotes around the words (all words must be found together and in order)

"hot dog" 

Partial match
When entering search terms, the whole word is required and partial word matches are not automatically found (for example, searching the word 'tree' would not return results with the word 'trees'). To find a partial word match, you must add an asterisk to the word. Asterisks may only be used to conclude a word:


Searching by filenames
Filenames are treated differently than other fields. When searching for a filename across all fields, you may either enter the whole filename including the extension or the filename without the extension to locate the file. However, when searching within the filename field, the exact filename is not required and partial word matches are also returned in the results. 

Meta-data fields
When searching across all fields, your search terms may be present in any meta-data fields within the results. When searching within a specific field, search terms must be present in the selected field only. 

Power Search
When searching across multiple criteria on the Power Search page, an AND operator is implied: 

Search terms = hot dog
Orientation = vertical

In the above example, only images with the terms hot and dog and with the orientation vertical will be returned. 

Keyword list
A keyword list may be provided on the Power Search page. When selecting multiple terms from the keyword list, an OR operator is implied. For instance, selecting the keywords tree, apple, and dog will return results that include ANY of these terms.


Terms and Conditions

End User Image License Agreement


IMPORTANT- PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: This End User License Agreement ("Agreement") is a legal agreement between you (in your capacity as an individual and as an agent for your company, institution or other entity) (collectively, "you" or "Licensee") and the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, the Department of Energy (“DOE”) contract-operator of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory ("NREL"). Downloading, displaying, using, or copying of the Image (as defined below) by you or by a third party on your behalf indicates your agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not download, display or use the Image.


1. License Grant. Subject to receipt by NREL of any required DOE approvals, NREL grants you, and you hereby accept, a non-exclusive, royalty-free revocable license to download, display, use and copy the image selected by you and provided by NREL (collectively, the "Image"), subject to the following terms and conditions:


(a) You may use the Image in any media for any purpose except pornographic, defamatory, libelous or otherwise unlawful purposes.


(b) You may copy the Image to the extent reasonably necessary to exercise the foregoing license; provided however that all copies of the Image shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement;


(c) NREL retains the rights to terminate this Agreement and withdraw its consent to the continued use, display or reproduction of the Image in any work, and expressly when the purpose of such use does not advance the educational or scientific mission of NREL.


2. U.S. Government Rights. The Image was developed under funding from the DOE and the U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights as follows: the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in the Image to reproduce and display publicly. The U.S. Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly the Image, and to permit others to do so.


3. Warranty Disclaimer. The image is supplied "as is" without warranty of any kind. NREL, the U.S. Government, the DOE, and their employees: (1) disclaim any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement, (2) do not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the Image, and (3) do not represent that use of the Image would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by its trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by NREL, the U.S. Government, the DOE, or any agency thereof.


4. Limitation of Liability. In no event will NREL be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages of any kind or nature, including but not limited to loss profits, for any reason whatsoever, whether such liability is asserted on the basis of contract, tort (including negligence or strict liability), or otherwise, even if NREL has been warned of the possibility of such loss or damages.


5. Indemnity. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless NREL, the DOE, the U.S. Government, the creators of the Image, sponsors, and their agents, officers, and employees, against any and all claims, suits, losses, damages, costs, fees, and expenses arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. You shall pay all costs incurred by NREL in enforcing this provision, including reasonable attorney fees.


6. Term and Termination. The license granted to you under this Agreement will continue perpetually unless terminated by NREL in accordance with this Agreement. If you breach any term of this Agreement, and fail to cure such breach within thirty (30) days of the date of written notice, this Agreement shall immediately terminate. Upon any such termination, you shall immediately cease using the Image, return it, and all copies to NREL, or destroy, all copies of the Image, and provide NREL with written certification of your compliance with the foregoing. Termination shall not relieve you from your obligations arising prior to such termination. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement to the contrary, Sections 3 through 8 shall survive termination of this Agreement.


7. Export Control. You shall observe all applicable United States and foreign laws and regulations (if any) with respect to the export, re-export, diversion or transfer of the Image, related technical data and direct products thereof, including, without limitation, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and the Export Administration Regulations. The export of any technology from the United States, including without limitation the Image and related technical data, may require some form of export control license from the U.S. Government and, pursuant to U.S. laws, and failure to obtain any required export control license may result in criminal liability under U.S. laws.


8. General. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado, excluding its rules governing conflicts of laws. This Agreement is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of NREL, its successors and assigns. This Agreement represents the entire understanding of the parties, and supersedes all previous communications, written or oral, relating to the subject of this Agreement.


9. By downloading, displaying, using, or copying the Image, and/or clicking the "I Agree" button, you are indicating your acceptance of the terms and conditions herein.


Additional Questions

Contact with any additional questions regarding the Image Gallery.

Digital asset management