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The National Survey of Children’s Health, conducted in 2007, addresses multiple aspects of children’s health and well-being as well as aspects of the family and the neighborhood that can affect children’s health, on both the National and State levels. The survey was supported and developed by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau and conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. This series of chartbooks are based survey data:

The Health and Well-Being of Children

General chartbookIndicators report on the health and well-being of children, as well as factors in the family environment and aspects of the neighborhood that may support or undermine the health of children and their families.
Published in July 2009.

The Mental and Emotional Well-Being of Children

Mental Health chartbookIndicators report on the mental and emotional well-being of children, family environment factors and neighborhood aspects that support or undermine it.
Published in July 2010.

The Health and Well-Being of Children in Rural Areas

Physical Health chartbookThis 3rd chartbook in the series reports on the health and well-being of children in rural areas, including factors in the family environment and neighborhood aspects that may support or undermine their health. Published in September 2011.

Children with Special Health Care Needs in Context

CSHCN chartbookReporting on topics not addressed in other CSHCN national surveys while providing a comparison to children who do not have ongoing special health needs, this 4th chartbook provides a specific CSHCN focus. Published in September 2011.
