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E. Faith Ivery, Ed.DHave a question about returning to college? Our team of experts are ready to help. For frequently asked questions, please see the FAQ.

(Featured Expert: E. Faith Ivery, Ed.D.)

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Back to College® is an all-in-one resource for the adult returning to college. Our free newsletter provides news, features, and resource updates (including information on financial aid and new degree programs) each month. Learn more.


Online Discussion Forums for Adult StudentsAdults going back to school are are the fastest growing student demographic. Join the community, share information and network with other returning students in the online discussion forums.

Scholarships for Re-entry Students

Scholarships for Re-entry Students: Grants and Retraining Assistance for Adults Returning to College Although many adult or "nontraditional" students hear about help to go back to school, continue their education, or train for a new career, they are often unaware where to find it or what programs they may be eligible for. This special report provides information on scholarships, grants, and private organizations and associations that aid adults returning to college or entering vocational programs. Sources of aid include awards especially for re-entry students, women, single parents, and adults re-entering the work force, including money from federal, state, and private organizational and academic programs. Available for immediate download.

Featured Online Degree ProgramsFeatured Online Degree Programs.
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Online Programs

-Business Administration
Business degrees.

- Computer Science
and IT Degrees.

- Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice degrees.

- Communications
Degrees in the arts.

More programs.

Feature Articles

The Scary World of Honors Programs.
It's hard, right?

Making Time to Study.
Balancing work with school.

Overcoming the Fear of Going Back to School.
Simple steps can alleviate concerns.

No Kids in Class.
The daycare dilemma.

The Digital Library.
Online databases and reference software.

5 Questions to Ask About Online Courses.
Why you should look before you leap.

More Articles.

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