Oak Ridge National Environmental Research Park

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Purple Insect Traps - Update

Purple traps yield Reservation's first detection of Emerald Ash Borer

Purple Insect Traps catch Emeral Ash BorerEmerald Ash Borer (167KB)  

Purple Insect Traps

You may have noticed purple “boxes” hanging in area trees lately.  These are three-sided insect traps for monitoring the spread of a non-native invasive insect that has killed several million ash trees in the eastern United States and Canada.

Purple Insect Traps Purple Insect Traps (236KB) Purple Insect Traps Photo

Flower and Bird Walks

Trillium Narrow-Leaved Spring BeautyJim Evans Bird Walk Photos from Flower and Bird Walks

Eagle & Nest Photo

"The first documented bald eagle nest for the Oak Ridge Reservation was discovered in April 2011.  There were two young fledged out of the nest in 2011 and the nest is once again active this year.  One young bird has been observed in the nest this year and it appears to be doing well.  The North American bald eagle population crashed between the 1950's and mid-1970's, due to an inability to reproduce caused by the effects of the pesticide DDT.   It is unknown what the size and distribution of the bald eagle population in Tennessee was prior to the continent-wide decline.  There were no known successful bald eagle nests in the state of Tennessee between 1961 and 1983.  Efforts to restore the bald eagle population in Tennessee started in 1980 and the first successful post-crash nest in the state was discovered near Cross Creeks National Wildlife Refuge in 1983.  Since that time the state population has grown to an estimated 175 nests.  Bald eagles are present in the state year-round and they can be fairly routinely seen along the Clinch River and other watercourses adjacent to the Oak Ridge Reservation."

Eagles Nest Photo Eagle & Nest Photo
(3.89 MB)

Pond Lilies

The growth of native pond lilies has been so successful, that some trimming is required to keep them in check.

Trim Pond Lillies Pond Lilies Trimmed
(24 KB, 1 p.)


Trim Lillies

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Prescribed Burns

It's prescribed burn season on the ORR .

Schedule of nature walks on the Oak Ridge Reservation Prescribed burns on the Oak Ridge Reservation
(73 KB, 1 p.)

Bird Nesting Boxes

The Oak Ridge Reservation (ORR) provides habitat for over 200 species of birds. Among these are several species dependent on natural or manmade cavities for nesting. Over 120 nest boxes are maintained on the ORR for species like Eastern bluebird, tree swallow, prothonotary warbler, and wood duck. The boxes have been used to mark boundaries of riparian zones and provide watchable wildlife in some areas, among other targeted uses. The nest box program has been very successful and 10 different species have been observed utilizing them as nest sites. New boxes will be added to the ORR as suitable habitat locations are identified.

Bird nesting boxes Bird nesting boxes.
(325 KB, 6 p.)
Photos of bird nesting boxes.Bird nesting boxesBird nesting boxesBird nesting boxes
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Nature Walks for Spring 2012 on the Oak Ridge Reservation

The schedule for the 2012 nature walks on the Oak Ridge Reservation has been finalized. Please use the link below to view the PDF file of the scheduled walks and information on how to register for them.

Schedule of nature walks on the Oak Ridge Reservation Schedule of nature walks on the Oak Ridge Reservation
(200 KB, 2 p.)

Managing Invasive Plants

Please use the link below to view a PDF file with the information.

Managing Invasive Plants Managing Invasive Plants
(48 KB, 2 p.)

Small Mammals of ORR

Please use the link below to view a PDF file with the information.

Small Mammals of ORR Small Mammals of ORR
(3.94 MB, 38 p.)

Spring turkey hunt schedule for 2012 announced

Turkey hunts will take place this spring on the Oak Ridge Reservation. Please use the link below to view a PDF file with schedule information and other details.

2012 Spring turkey hunts Spring turkey hunts
(48 KB, 1 p.)

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Last Updated: February 28, 2011