NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

NERSC File Systems


NERSC file systems can be divided into two categories:  local and global.  Local file systems are only accessible on a single platform, providing best performance; global file systems are accessible on multiple platforms, simplifying data sharing between platforms. 

File systems are configured for different purposes. On each machine you have access to at least three different file system

  • Home: Permanent, relatively small storage for data like source code, shell scripts, etc. that you want to keep. This file system is not tuned for high performance from parallel jobs. Referenced by the environment variable $HOME.
  • Scratch: Large, high-performance file system. Place your large data files in this file system for capacity and capability computing. Data is purged as described below, so you must save important files elsewhere (like HPSS). Referenced by the environmental variable $SCRATCH.
  • Project: Large, permanent, medium-performance file system. "Project directories" are available upon request are intended for sharing data within a group of researchers.

The following table shows the availability of the various file systems on each of the primary NERSC platforms.

File SystemHopperCarverEuclidGenepoolData Transfer NodesPDSF
 Global homes 
 Global scratch 
 Global project
 Global projectb
 Local scratch

Summary of File System Policies

File SystemPathTypeDefault
BackupsPurge Policy
Global homes  $HOME  GPFS 40GB
1,000,000 Inodes
Yes Not purged
Global scratch  $GSCRATCH  GPFS 20TB
2,000,000 Inodes
No Files not accessed for 12 weeks are deleted
Global project  /project/projectdirs/projectname  GPFS 4TB
4,000,000 Inodes
Yes Not purged
Hopper local scratch $SCRATCH and $SCRATCH2  Lustre 5TB
5,000,000 Inodes
No Files not accessed for 12 weeks are deleted.

Summary of File System Capacities

File system Capacity
Global homes 246 TB
Global scratch 1092 TB
Global project 3965 TB
Global projectb 2620 TB
Hopper local scratch1 1117 TB
Hopper local scratch2 1106 TB

Finding your disk usage

NERSC provides the myquota command which allows you to find your current disk space and inode usage for all file systems.

bash-3.2$ myquota

==== Space (GB) ====
FileSystem            Used      InDoubt         Quota
----------            ----      -------         -----
HOME                    10            0            40
GSCRATCH                 6            3         20480

==== Inodes ====
FileSystem            Used      InDoubt         Quota
----------            ----      -------         -----
HOME                 89468           39       1000000
GSCRATCH             20732          757       2000000

The prjquota command gives you the usage for a project directory.

bash-3.2$ prjquota mpccc
                   ------ Space (GB) -------     ----------- Inode -----------
         Project    Usage    Quota   InDoubt      Usage      Quota     InDoubt  
        --------   -------  -------  -------     -------    -------    -------  
           mpccc      5818    10240       11     3755653    4000000       1462

Purge Policy

In order to provide equitable access to scarce file system resources, NERSC "purges" certain scratch file systems on a regular basis, as indicated in the above table.  Scratch file systems are intended to provide temporary storage on high-performace hardware.  Data that is not in active use should be placed in HPSS.

Users are not allowed to run commands (e.g., "touch" scripts) whose sole purpose is to update the time-of-last-access on purgeable files.

Local Scratch on Hopper

Hopper uses Lustre for its local scratch file systems. These file systems are not available on any other computer systems.  For more information, please see the File Storage Page for Hopper.

NERSC monitors I/O rates and I/O performance on the local Lustre file systems.  Users can see live and historical I/O rates.


Global Home Filesystem

Global home directories (or "global homes") provide a convenient means for a user to have access to source files, input files, configuration files, etc., regardless of the platform the user is logged in to. Wherever possible, you should refer to your home directory using the environment variable $HOME. Read More »

Global Scratch File System

The global scratch file system (or "global scratch") can be accessed by multiple NERSC systems. Its default quota is much larger than the Global Home quota, so it can be used to temporarily store large amounts of data. This file system is periodically purged. Read More »

Project Directory

The Project Directory is a global file system available to all NERSC computational systems. It allows groups of NERSC users to store and share data. The Project Directory is available by request. Read More »

Disk Quota Increase Request Form

Use this form to request quota increases. You need to log in using your NIM password. Read More »

Project Directory Request Form

Use this form to request project directory space in the NERSC Global File system (NGF). Here are some guidelines for completing this form: The name, login, e-mail address, and phone number should be those of the requestor filling out this form. The sponsoring repository will typically be that of the requestor, although this is not a requirement. Participating repositories are those that are collaborating with the sponsoring repository. This field may be left blank for a single-repository… Read More »