JO 7400.2J
Effective Date:
February 9, 2012

Subject:  Procedures for Handling Airspace Matters
Includes:  Errata effective 2/9/12 and Change 1 effective 7/26/12.


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Table of Contents

Change 1 - Cover
                     Explanation of Changes

Basic - Cover
              Explanation of Changes


Part 1. General Procedures for Airspace Management

Chapter 1 General
Chapter 2 Rulemaking/Nonrulemaking Airspace Cases
Chapter 3 Aeronautical Information
Chapter 4 NAVAIDs

Part 2. Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace

Chapter 5 Basic
Chapter 6 Aeronautical Studies
Chapter 7 Determinations
Chapter 8 Post Determination Action
Chapter 9 Discretionary Review Process

Part 3. Airport Airspace Analysis

Chapter 10 Basic
Chapter 11 Evaluating Aeronautical Effect
Chapter 12 Airport Determinations
Chapter 13 Military, NASA, and Other Agency Airport Proposals

Part 4. Terminal and En Route Airspace

Chapter 14 Designation of Airspace Classes
Chapter 15 Class B Airspace
Chapter 16 Class C Airspace
Chapter 17 Class D Airspace
Chapter 18 Class E Airspace
Chapter 19 Other Airspace Areas
Chapter 20 Air Navigational Routes

Part 5. Special Use Airspace

Chapter 21 General
Chapter 22 Prohibited Areas
Chapter 23 Restricted Areas
Chapter 24 Warning Areas
Chapter 25 Military Operations Areas
Chapter 26 Alert Areas
Chapter 27 Controlled Firing Areas
Chapter 28 National Security Areas

Part 6. Miscellaneous Procedures

Chapter 29 Outdoor Laser Operations
Chapter 30 High Intensity Light Operations
Chapter 31 Rocket and Launch-Vehicle Operations
Chapter 32 Environmental Matters


Appendix 1 Environmental Study Process Flow Chart
Appendix 2 Procedures for Processing SUA Actions Environmental Process Flow Chart
Appendix 3 Procedures for Processing SUA Actions Aeronautical Process Flow Chart
Appendix 4 FAA Procedures for Processing SUA Actions Aeronautical and  Environmental Summary Table
Appendix 5 Air Traffic Initial Environmental Review
Appendix 6 Sample Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Categorical Exclusion Declaration
Appendix 7 FAA/DOD Memorandum of Understanding
Appendix 8 FAA Special Use Airspace Environmental Processing Procedures
Appendix 9 Noise Policy for Management of Airspace Over Federally Managed Lands
Appendix 10 Community Involvement Policy
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