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Weekly Status Reports FAA R&D Review Conferences & Workshops

Weekly Status Reports

The Airport Technology R & D Branch provides a weekly report on significant activities within the branch. These activities include, but are not limited to, project testing dates, announcements of publications, travel highlights, visiting dignitaries and groups, and all other activities deemed significant. Significant activity reports may be viewed by "scrolling down" or clicking on the following shortcuts to jump to the report for that date.

Recent Reports Archived Report
February 07, 2013
January 31, 2013
January 24, 2013
January 18, 2013
January 10, 2013

Significant Activities for the week ending February 07, 2013

Aircraft Noise and Annoyance Survey:
During the bi-weekly telecon on January 31, 2013, stratification possibilities continued to be discussed. On February 4th, AEE submitted comments from the expert panel reviewers on the draft survey instrument. On February 5th, AEE and APP concurred on five criteria for stratification. An additional telecon is scheduled on February 7th to finalize the stratification and discuss the draft survey instrument comments.

FOD Database:
Airport Operations personnel from San Antonio International Airport, TX continue to submit FOD reports into the database. To date, there are 37 reports in the database; no additional reports were added since January 24th.

Airport Safety Database:
Data analysts continue to categorize the 4000 additional event records for future analysis. A telecon is scheduled on February 7th to discuss additional updates.

Visual Guidance:
Improved Signage, Marking and Lighting of EMAS Beds: On February 4th, additional field evaluations were conducted at ACY airport using red retroreflective markers around the sides and rear, and yellow retroreflective markers along the front. After reviewing the evaluations, the spacing of the retroreflective markers is recommended to be 7.5 feet, for both the red and yellow markers. Lauren Vitagliano and Jennifer Klass, SRA Airport Operations Analyst, continue to work with the AFTIL to prepare for pilot evaluations scheduled for February 19-22. They are also working with Baton Rouge Airport, LA to install the configuration for vehicle driver evaluations. Installation is tentatively scheduled for February 26-28.

Airport Technology Research Taxiway:
The responses to the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) design review comments were provided to the USACE on February 2 and are currently under final review.

FAA Wildlife Website/Database:

Website/Strike Reporting: continues with the online DB and website operating normally. There were a total 530 raw strike reports submitted to date in January. There have been 103 raw strike reports submitted to date in February.

Online DB: The FAA’s wildlife strike database now includes all validated strike reports through December 30, 2012. There were a total of 10,650 strikes reported in 2012 which is 529 more than 2011. The count of validated strike reports in the DB from January 1990 to present (including 13,168 military BASH reports) is now 144,222. The MS ACCESS “wildlife.zip” version 2012.12-P is available for download at http://wildlife-mitigation.tc.faa.gov/wildlife/downloads/wildlife.zip.

Report Posted:
A recently published report titled DOT/FAA/TC-TN12/48 “Aircraft Skin-Pentrating Nozzle (ASPN) Testing of a Freighter Aircraft Cargo Liner” was uploaded to the Airport Technology R&D Branch web site. This report describes the research that was conducted to evaluate the role of a cargo liner in penetration of an aircraft with an ASPN. The report can be found at www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov.

Report Posted:
A recently published report titled DOT/FAA/TC-TN12-43 “Crash Simulation of Transport Aircraft for Predicting Fuel Release” was uploaded to the Airport Technology R&D Branch web site. This report describes the research that was conducted to validate a computer simulation of a full-scale crash test involving a Lockheed Constellation Model L-1649. The report can be found at www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov.

Report Published:
A recently published report titled DOT/FAA/TC-TN12-45 “Nonincandescent Source Aviation Signal Light Colors” was uploaded to the Airport Technology R&D Branch web site. This report describes the research that was conducted to provide chromaticity regions for aviation signal lights that maximize the likelihood of correct identification while minimizing the potential for confusion with other colors. The report can be found at www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov.

Report Published:
A recently published report titled DOT/FAA/TC-TN12-46 “Ground Vehicle Runway Incursion Prevention Alerting System Literature Review” was uploaded to the Airport Technology R&D Branch web site. This report describes a literature review that was conducted of technology and technological solutions that could be used to prevent runway incursions and surface accidents involving vehicles with authorized access to the aircraft movement area. The report can be found at www.airporttech.tc.faa.gov.

VASI Baffling:
On January 29-31, Nick Subbotin traveled to the Huntingburg Regional Airport (HNB) in Huntingburg, IN to perform a PAPI system baffling task. On the approach to runway 9, FAA Flight Check identified radio towers and trees obstructing the PAPI system light signal. The system was shut down due to concern that the pilot would not receive a proper signal from the PAPI system during final approach. The baffling task involves the installation of metal shields inside each light housing assembly that restrict the visible signal from the PAPI system until an aircraft is clear of the obstacle. FAA flight check will perform another flight check in the future to determine if the baffled PAPI system is safe for pilots to use.

Low Cost Surface Surveillance:
The project plan defining the scope of work, phased project approach and project timeline for the system installation at Raleigh Durham International Airport is due February 15.

A meeting has been scheduled for the week of March 11th at Tyndall Air Force Base to initiate Frangibility Research under the new Interagency Agreement between the FAA and the Air Force. The meeting participants will include Joe Breen of the Airport Safety R&D Section, representatives from the Air Force Civil Engineering Center (AFCEC) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), and contract experts in the field of dynamic finite element modeling. Initial research work will include evaluation of frangible connections/structures located in airport runway and taxiway safety areas utilizing dynamic finite element modeling and development of machinery/equipment for conducting dynamic (crash) testing.

Construction Cycle 5 (CC5) Post Traffic Testing:
Post traffic forensic trenching work continued this week with measurements being taken at the top of the subgrade surface. California Bearing Ratios (CBRs), sand cones, dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP), portable seismic property analyzer (D-PSPA) and light weight deflectometer (LWD) tests were performed in the four trenches. Additionally, Shelby Tube samples will be taken for resilient modulus and unconfined compressive tests at the FAA's material testing lab.

NextGen Pavement Materials Lab:
The laboratory manager and senior technician worked on an inventory of laboratory equipment for the upcoming AMRL laboratory inspection. The asphalt technician assisted with post traffic testing of CC5. Laboratory staff attended a webinar on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction.

Since its release, FAA PAVEAIR version 2.0 has approximately 980,457 hits to the English website. The software has recently been evaluated by the FAA for IT security vulnerability and the recommended changes are in process.

Nondestructive Airport Pavement Testing:
Material testing of the asphalt high tire pressure pavement area grooving project continues. The testing is needed to determine why the unheated grooved area deteriorated under loading faster than the heated grooved area.

Reflective Cracking Test Rig:
Cyclic testing of the 5 inch asphalt overlay continued this week with a total of approximately 1470 cycles completed to date. The first crack was detected in the HMA pavement at 750 cycles. Since then, 2 major cracks and 8 minor pavement cracks have been observed. Instrumentation data continues to be collected to assist in mathematical modeling of HMA overlay crack propagation.

High Temperature Pavement Test Vehicle:
All material for mounting the heating elements to the beam has been ordered and was delivered to Dynatest

Field Instrumentation & Testing:
The problem with the camera at EWR pavement instrumentation project has been identified (bad network card) and solution is being worked on.

Gyratory Compactor Project & High Tire Pressure Tests Material Characterization:
The laboratory staff performed asphalt binder ignition tests to determine binder content on four core samples taken from the high tire pressure sections of CC5. The extracted aggregates were washed to determine the percent fines. Gradations for particle size analysis will be run next week.

Significant Activities for the week ending January 31, 2013

Aircraft Noise and Annoyance Survey:
The methodology for grouping and randomly selecting the 20 airports for survey continues to be discussed. On 1/29/13 the subcontractor provided the team with a memo containing a method for rating each airport by relative impact based on the population in each DNL range. This memo and possible stratification considerations will be discussed at the next telecom scheduled for the afternoon of January 31st.

FOD Database:
Airport Operations personnel from San Antonio International Airport, TX continue to submit FOD reports into the database. To date, there are 37 reports in the database; no additional reports were added since January 24th.

Airport Safety Database:
Data analysts continue to categorize the 4000 additional event records for future analysis.

Aircraft Braking Friction:
The modifications to the nose gear brake control system have been installed on the Braking Research Aircraft in preparation for Mu-Slip Testing to be conducted this winter on contaminated surface conditions. The modified nose gear brake control system replaces the existing metering valve and de-boost valve on the aircraft with an electronic pressure control valve to allow for more precise brake control. The project team will be conducting test runs with the aircraft over the next several days to verify the satisfactory operation of the modified nose gear brake control system and all aircraft instrumentation.

FAA Wildlife Website/Database:

Website/Strike Reporting: continues with the online DB and website operating normally. There have been 511 raw strike reports submitted to date in January.

Online DB: The FAA’s wildlife strike database now includes all validated strike reports through October 31, 2012. The count of validated strike reports in the DB from January 1990 to present (including 12,762 military BASH reports) is now 143,635. The MS ACCESS “wildlife.zip” version 2012.10-P is available for download at http://wildlife-mitigation.tc.faa.gov/wildlife/downloads/wildlife.zip. The batch upload of November strike data is anticipated to be accomplished by end of February.

Report Publication: Interim Report DOT/FAA/TC-13/3 “Research on Bird-Detecting Radar” was published on January 31, 2013. The report provides an interim update of the FAA’s research program on radars designed to detect and track birds at and near airports.

Airport Technology Research Taxiway:
On January 30, a status meeting was held with representatives from SRA International to deliberate design review comments provided by the US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE). The agreed upon responses will be provided to the USACE by the end of the week.

Safety Orange-Colored Airport Construction Signs:
The project plan defining the scope of work, phased project approach and project timeline was submitted to the FAA Office of Airport Safety and Standards on January 28. The project is focused on analyzing and developing the concept of using safety-orange colored visual aids to mitigate the hazards due the construction activities at airports.

Visual Guidance:
MALSR LED PAR38 Replacement Lamp: Personnel supported the Lighting Systems Sub team, AJM-3222, and Flight Standards Service, Flight Technology and Procedures Division, AFS-410, in conducting flight tests of LED replacement lamps for the incandescent PAR38 lamps used in a standard CAT I Medium Approach Lighting System with Runway Alignment Lights (MALSR) on January 29-30, 2013.

Construction Cycle 5 (CC5) Post Traffic Testing:
Post traffic forensic trenching work continued this week on the P-154 subbase layer of the CC5 test pavement. Nuclear gauge density, sand cones, portable seismic property analyzer (D-PSPA) and light weight deflectometer (LWD) tests were performed in the four trenches. Additionally, P-154 samples were collected for resilient modulus and strength tests to be completed at the NAPTF materials lab.

NextGen Pavement Materials Lab:
The senior materials technician and lab manager are working on documentation of equipment and training to meet laboratory accreditation requirements. An AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory (AMRL) visit for inspection is scheduled for March 12th and for Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) is scheduled for March 25th.

Since its release, FAA PAVEAIR version 2.0 has approximately 974,316 hits to the English website. The project to evaluate the feasibility of adding airport traffic data to FAA PAVEAIR will begin in February.

Nondestructive Airport Pavement Testing:
SRA has completed a draft American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard for Simulating Profilograph Response to Longitudinal Profiles of Traveled Surfaces.

Reflective Cracking Test Rig:
Cyclic testing of the 5 inch asphalt overlay continued this week with a total of approximately 700 cycles completed to date. No visible cracking of the overlay has been observed. The temperature controlled test rig is being slowly moved 12 mils open and then closed to simulate the naturally occurring expansion and contraction cycles resulting from environmental temperature changes. Changes in the HMA overlay are being recorded by imbedded and surface instruments.

High Temperature Pavement Test Vehicle:
Manufacturing and assembly is on schedule. Beam bearing rails, the carriage tilt arms, and the ball screw bearing blocks for the beam side-shifts were delivered to Dynatest.

Field Instrumentation & Testing:
Data acquisition system is working fine at EWR airport. There are some issues with the camera that are being worked on.

Pavement Section hosted visitors from the University of Hawaii this week. Dr. Amarjit Singh and a Ph.D. student, Alison Leake, visited The National Airport Pavement Test Facility to learn about instrumenting airport pavements. The University of Hawaii has a project with Hawaii Department of Transportation to design and monitor pavement sensors to be installed at Kahului Airport on the island of Maui.

Significant Activities for the week ending January 24, 2013

Aircraft Noise and Annoyance Survey:
During the January 17th telecom, discussion continued on the airport selection criteria. It was proposed to include all airports with at least 100 jet operations. This would increase the number of approved airports from 66 to 111 airports to choose from. It was also proposed to eliminate those airports with less than 100 people living in the DNL 60 dB and DNL 65 dB contours, which would bring the total number of airports down to 95. The methodology for grouping and randomly selecting the 20 airports for survey continues to be discussed as well. The next telecom is scheduled for January 31st.

FOD Database:
Airport Operations personnel from San Antonio International Airport, TX continue to submit FOD reports into the database. To date, there are 37 reports in the database; 5 additional reports were added since January 17th.

Airport Safety Database:  
Analysts retrieved approximately 4000 additional events for the 2001-2011 period from the additional airports added to the dataset. The analysts have also begun organizing the databases for SME reviewers to begin categorizing the additional events.

Taxiway Centerline Deviation Study:
On January 22nd, 889 processed data measurements from ADG-III and ADG-II airports were forwarded to Boeing for statistical analysis. Data continues to be collected from HPN and VNC airports.

Visual Guidance:
Improved Signage, Marking and Lighting of EMAS Beds: After reviewing the evaluations from the field tests and looking at the AFTIL simulations, it is recommended the red retroreflective markers be spaced 7.5’ apart along the rear and sides of EMAS beds. Pilots of all experience levels will be evaluating the markers at the AFTIL February 19-21, 2013.

FAA Wildlife Website/Database:

Website/Strike Reporting: continues with the online DB and website operating normally. There have been 388 raw strike reports submitted to date in January.

Online DB: The FAA’s wildlife strike database has been updated for October reports. The online DB now includes all validated strike reports through October 31, 2012. The count of validated strike reports in the DB from January 1990 to present (including 12,762 military BASH reports) is now 143,376. The MS ACCESS “wildlife.zip” version 2012.10-P will be available for download at http://wildlife-mitigation.tc.faa.gov/wildlife/downloads/wildlife.zip. The total of validated strikes for 2102 so far is 9,633 which is 598 more than the total for the same timeframe in 2011. The batch upload of November 2012 strike data is anticipated to be accomplished by end of February 2013.

On January 14, Satish Agrawal and Ryan King presented an overview of the Airport Technology R&D Branch to visitors from the Office of International Affairs. The visitors were: CJ Collins, Senior Representative South Asia from the US Embassy in New Delhi, India and Angela Harris, Foreign Affairs Specialist, Asia Pacific Division in Washington DC. Mss. Collins and Harris were accompanied by international representatives from Japan's Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), Civil Aviation Bureau JAPAN (JCAB), and Electronic Navigation Research Institute (ENRI). The presentation provided details of the research program activities being conducted within the Airport Pavement and Airport Safety R&D Sections and a tour of the FAA National Airport Pavement Test Machine was given.

Aircraft Braking Friction:
Ryan Rutter and Joe Breen, along with James Zargan of SRA International, recently met with representatives from Zodiac Aerospace to review proposed joint research work to be conducted using the Braking Research Aircraft. The FAA and Zodiac Aerospace are currently finalizing a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRDA) for conducting joint aircraft braking friction research under contaminated runway conditions. During the meeting, the FAA and Zodiac Aerospace discussed the selection and method of installation of pressure transducers into the aircraft main gear hydraulic systems on both sides of the Anti-Skid Brake System control valves. Zodiac Aerospace has an approved patent relating to the estimation of aircraft braking friction on contaminated runways based on the measurement of hydraulic system pressure differential across the Anti-Skid Brake System control valves during landings.

Airport Technology Research Taxiway:
On January 17, a status meeting was held with representatives from the US Army Corps of Engineers and SRA International to deliberate next steps and the schedule going forward. The main takeaway is that the construction contract bid will open on March 5 with the bid award on April 5.

Construction Cycle 5 (CC5) Post Traffic Testing:
Post traffic forensic trenching work continued this week on the P-209 stone base layer of the CC5 test pavement. Nuclear gauge density, portable seismic property analyzer (D-PSPA) and light weight deflectometer (LWD) tests were performed in the four trenches. Additionally, P-209 samples were collected for resilient modulus and strength tests to be completed at the NAPTF lab.

NextGen Pavement Materials Lab:
The asphalt technician performed bulk specific gravities and measured core thickness on twenty-four (24) asphalt cores that had been taken from CC5 test sections. The laboratory also assisted in performing field density DCP, DPSPA and LWD tests on the P209 aggregate base layer in CC5 post-traffic trenches. The senior materials technician and lab manager are working on documentation of equipment and training to meet laboratory accreditation requirements.

Since its release, FAA PAVEAIR version 2.0 has approximately 966,803 hits to the English website. The FAA support contractor has developed a programming standards document to assist software developers in the standardized design of software programs.

Reflective Cracking Test Rig:
Cyclic testing of the asphalt overlay began this week. The temperature controlled test rig will be slowly moved 12 mils open and then closed to simulate the expansion and contraction cycles resulting from environmental temperature changes. Changes in the HMA overlay will be recorded by imbedded and surface instruments.

High Temperature Pavement Test Vehicle:
Manufacturing and assembly is on schedule. The performance testing of the hydraulic powered dollies took place on December 17th and 18th at Dynatest’s subcontractor facility. The units passed inspection and were shipped to Dynatest facility in Jacksonville, FL, where they have been installed onto the HVS main structure. The testing of dollies was filmed and the video has been posted on YouTube. The link is here.

Field Instrumentation & Testing:
Installation of data acquisition system at Newark Liberty International Airport pavement instrumentation project was completed last week. FAA and Support personnel are visiting both Newark and JFK today to adjust data collection systems.

Gyratory Compactor Project & High Tire Pressure Tests Material Characterization:
Lab tests have been completed and data analysis is underway.

Significant Activities for the week ending January 18, 2013

Airport Technology R&D:
On January 17, 2013 Satish Agrawal and Jim Patterson traveled to FAA headquarters to provide an overview briefing to ARP-2 on the status of the Airport Technology R&D Program.

Electrical Infrastructure Research Project:
On January 16-17, the Electrical Infrastructure Test Team met to deliberate the efficacy of six identified airfield lighting electrical architectures being considered as alternatives to the legacy 6.6 amp series circuit. The Electrical Infrastructure Research project is focused on identifying a simplified, efficient, and standardized airfield lighting system that can support the operation of new light source technologies, including Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs).

Safety Orange-Colored Airport Construction Signs:
A kickoff meeting was held on January 16 with representatives from the FAA Airport Construction Advisory Council (ACAC) and the FAA Office of Airport Safety and Standards to define the scope of work, phased project approach and project timeline. The project is focused on analyzing and developing the concept of using safety-orange colored visual aids to mitigate the hazards due the construction activities at airports.

Taxiway Centerline Deviation:
Lauren Vitagliano, Nick Subbotin, and Steve Murphy travelled to Orlando, West Palm Beach, and Key West, Florida to close out the taxiway centerline deviation projects at these airports. Debriefs with Airport Management were held at each location, and the trip also included full removal of the data collection system at Key West International. Data collected from each of these airports is being analyzed, and will be published in a Technical Note due to be published in the fall of 2013.

Airport Technology Research Taxiway:
Robert Bassey contacted the FAA Harrisburg ADO to check on the status of the modification to standards (MOS) that was submitted to request approval for construction of the Research Taxiway. According to the ADO, the MOS has three steps remaining in its approval process. No projected date for completion of the approval process was provided.

Aircraft Noise and Annoyance Survey:
During the Janary10th telecon, discussions on the airport selection process continued. ARP and AEE worked to update the list of airports to indicate which airports have had recent Part 150 Studies and noise monitoring equipment and the FAA region where the airport is located. The draft survey instrument was forwarded to the group with comments due back to AEE by January 20th. Continued topics for discussion include airport selection methodology and the possibility of adding the top 20 General Aviation airports to the approved airport list.

Aircraft Braking Friction:
Ryan Rutter of Airport Technology R&D and James Zargan of SRA International have completed development of modifications to the nose gear brake control system for installation on the Braking Research Aircraft. The modifications were developed and bench tested utilizing the ASBS Simulation Lab. The modified nose gear brake control system will replace the existing metering valve and de-boost valve on the aircraft with an electronic pressure control valve to allow for more precise brake control. FOD Database: Airport Operations personnel from San Antonio International Airport, TX continue to submit FOD reports into the database. To date, there are now more than 40 reports in the database..

FAA Wildlife Website/Database:

Website/Strike Reporting: continues with the online DB and website operating normally. There have been 313 raw strike reports submitted to date in January.

Online DB: The FAA’s wildlife strike database now includes all validated strike reports through September 30, 2012. The count of validated strike reports in the DB from January 1990 to present (including 12,762 military BASH reports) is now 142,081. The MS ACCESS “wildlife.zip” version 2012.9-P is available for download at http://wildlife-mitigation.tc.faa.gov/wildlife/downloads/wildlife.zip. The batch upload of October strike data is anticipated to be accomplished by end of January.

Construction Cycle 5 (CC5) Post Traffic Testing:
Post traffic forensic trenching began this week with saw cutting and removal of the 5-inches of P-401 hot mix asphalt to expose the P-209 stone base layer. A total of four trenches will be cut. Planned tests include nuclear gauge density, dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP), portable seismic property analyzer (D-PSPA) & light weight deflectometer (LWD).

NextGen Pavement Materials Lab:
Bulk specific gravity testing is ongoing for CC5 and High Tire Pressure cores. Lab personnel continue preparations for AMRL and CCRL accreditations. Concrete and aggregate lab equipment is being verified and quality manual documents are being created as part of the preparations.

Since its release, FAA PAVEAIR version 2.0 has approximately 961,463 hits to the English website. The FAA support contractor has developed a programming standards document to assist software developers in the standardized design of software programs.

Nondestructive Pavement Testing:
The FAA has solicited and received comments on the Falling/Heavy Weight Deflectometer (F/HWD) roundup spreadsheet that provided the deflections and time history from F/HWD equipment. The next step is to incorporate the comments and include the data in the F/HWD roundup website.

High Temperature Pavement Test Vehicle:
Manufacturing and assembly is on schedule. The gear box and demo motor controller unit for the carriage drive system was received by Dynatest. The software engineer has begun creating the programming logic for the control/Modbus communications.

Gyratory Compactor Project & High Tire Pressure Tests Material Characterization:
Draft report titled “Performance Tests for Airport HMA Designed Using the Superpave Gyratory Compactor” was delivered to FAA by ERDC.

Significant Activities for the week ending January 10, 2013

Data Mining-Airport Safety Database:
On December 20, 2012 Jim Patterson and Lauren Vitagliano briefed ARP-2 on the status of the project. The database continues to be expanded to include additional airports. The data analysis will be more specific to airport safety factors to include wildlife strikes, problematic geometry, etc. The analysis will identify the top airport risk areas.

Aircraft Noise and Annoyance Survey:
During the December 13th telecom, the airport selection process was discussed. ARP and AEE worked to update the list of airports to indicate which airports have had recent Part 150 Studies and noise monitoring equipment and the FAA region where the airport is located. The new target for the test plan is the end of January, contingent on finalizing the airport selection methodology. An expert panel was chosen to review the draft survey instrument. The draft survey instrument was forwarded to the panel and comments are due back to AEE by January 20th. The next telecom is scheduled for January 10, 2013. Topics for discussion include airport selection methodology and the possibility of adding the top 20 General Aviation airports to the approved airport list. Internally Lighted Wind Cone Research: The final technical report was submitted on January 4 and is currently under review. The report details recommended changes to existing wind cone standards.

Airport Technology Research Taxiway:
Per request, the pre-award submittal requirements were provided to the US Army Corps of Engineers to facilitate the construction contract award.

Aircraft Braking Friction:
Construction work is progressing with the storage building being erected adjacent to the FAA Ramp. The concrete foundation, metal building structure, and electrical utility/equipment installation have all been completed. The storage building will be completed when the hydraulically operated overhead door is delivered and installed in early February. The storage building, which has a 30’ x 40’ footprint, will be used to house all of the ground support equipment for the Braking Research Aircraft (Boeing 727-25C).

FOD Database:
Airport Operations personnel from San Antonio International Airport, TX continue to submit FOD reports into the database. To date, there are 32 reports in the database; 1 additional report was added since.

Visual Guidance:

Improved Signage, Marking and Lighting of EMAS Beds: On January 3rd, field evaluations were conducted at ACY airport using red retroreflective markers. After reviewing the evaluations, 5’ and 15’ spacing between the markers were eliminated. It was recommended to look into using a split reflector with yellow on the runway side, and black or red on the EMAS side. After several discussions, it was determined not to use a split reflector, which may create pilot confusion as to the location of the threshold. On January 9-10, 2013 Lauren Vitagliano and Jennifer Klass worked with the AFTIL to simulate several retroreflector colors and spacing configurations around an EMAS bed.

Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting:
Keith Bagot travelled to Boston as part of an investigation of Monday’s fire aboard a Japan Airlines Boeing 787 at Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) in Boston, MA. Rescue and fire personnel and equipment responded to the airplane and detected a fire in the electronics and equipment bay near the auxiliary power unit (APU) battery box. An APU battery had severe fire damage. This incident had particular interest to the ARFF Research Program due to the fact that the batteries were Li-Ion type and the B787 is the first aircraft to use these types of batteries. Critical data that was collected included the extent of fire damage, the effectiveness of firefighting techniques that were used, and an assessment of tool and firefighting agent performance that was deployed.

FAA Wildlife Website/Database:

Website/Strike Reporting: continues with the online DB and website operating normally. The December 2012 total for reported raw strikes data was 516. There have been 195 raw strike reports submitted to date in January.

Online DB: The FAA’s wildlife strike database now includes all validated strike reports through September 30, 2012. The count of validated strike reports in the DB from January 1990 to present (including 12,762 military BASH reports) is now 142,081. The MS ACCESS “wildlife.zip” version 2012.9-P is available for download at http://wildlife-mitigation.tc.faa.gov/wildlife/downloads/wildlife.zip. The batch upload of October strike data is anticipated to be accomplished by end of January.

Report Publication:
DOT/FAA/TC-TN12/60, “Avian Radar Maintenance: Magnetron Life Assessment” December 2012. This technical note provides a summary of CEAT’s maintenance experience with off-the-shelf X-band marine radars used in avian radar systems deployed at several airports. The findings support the conclusion that operational life expectancy of magnetrons in avian radar applications often greatly exceeds manufacturer-recommended replacement intervals, which are based on typical marine use.

CC5 Post Traffic Testing:
A post traffic trenching plan was developed for the CC5 HMA test pavement with work to begin next week. The plan includes four transverse trenches to investigate and characterize the pavement materials in areas that showed maximum depressions and upheavals during test vehicle trafficking.

CC7 Test Plan:
A meeting was held to begin the planning for CC7 HMA construction cycle. Various test plan objectives were discussed and narrowed down to overload testing and perpetual pavement testing. The next step is to develop a construction and testing plan to meet the agreed upon objectives.

NextGen Pavement Materials Lab:
The laboratory concrete technician performed thirty-six (36) split tensile strength tests on field cured concrete cylinders made with concrete poured during the construction of CC6 sections. The laboratory also performed four (4) Hot Mix Ignition tests to determine binder content on proficiency samples received from AMRL. The results from CCRL concrete proficiency tests were received. The scores for concrete proficiency tests were satisfactory.

Since its release, FAA PAVEAIR version 2.0 has approximately 928,004 hits to the English website. Additional databases continue to be acquired from airports and airport authorities for development of the PAVEAIR airport pavement family deterioration curves module. The FAA support contractor has developed a programming standards document to assist software developers in the design of software programs.

Nondestructive Pavement Testing:
The FAA pavement backcalculation program, BAKFAA, continues to be developed in beta format. Future improvements include an enhanced Help file and a User’s Group meeting.

Reflective Cracking Test Rig:
Cyclic testing of the asphalt overlay will begin the week of Jan 21.

High Temperature Pavement Test Vehicle:
Manufacturing and assembly is on schedule. Mounting system for the heaters has been designed and a prototype was built and tested for a single heater.

Field Instrumentation & Testing:
Installation of data acquisition system at Newark Liberty International Airport pavement instrumentation project is scheduled for January 2013. Final dates will be decided in consultation with PANYNJ staff.

Gyratory Compactor Project & High Tire Pressure Tests Material Characterization:
APA tests were completed on twelve HMA samples (prepared by Soiltek in their gyratory compactor). This completed the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer rut testing for the High Tire Pressure Research. The data from these tests is currently being analyzed.

Paper titled “Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Used to Assess Rutting Susceptibility of Hot-Mix Asphalt Designed for High Tire Pressure Aircraft” by John F. Rushing, Dallas N. Little, and Navneet Garg (FAA) was published in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2296, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C.


2006 R&D Annual Review
2005 R&D Annual Review
2004 R&D Annual Review
2003 R&D Annual Review
2002 R&D Annual Review

FAA's R&D Review Newsletter

2007, Issue 2

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2006, Issue 3
2006, Issue 2
2006, Issue 1
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Last Update: 02/11/13