

Timely and Targeted FMCSA Action is Needed to Fully Address National Transportation Safety Board Recommendations for Improving Passenger Carrier Oversight

April 17, 2012
Project ID: MH-2012-087


On April 17, 2012, we issued a report on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) implementation of National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommendations to improve Federal oversight of passenger carriers, a request initially included in the House Committee on Appropriations’ committee report accompanying its version of the fiscal year 2011 THUD appropriations bill.  We found that FMCSA could improve its vetting process to detect reincarnated carriers and made recommendations to improve FMCSA’s carrier vetting process.  Also, while FMCSA took action on rules NTSB recommended to improve passenger carrier oversight, it has yet to implement those rules.  Finally, FMCSA has not implemented NTSB's recommendations on enhancing FMVSS compliance.  The FMCSA concurred with our five recommendations to improve FMCSA's passenger carrier vetting process and oversight of passenger carriers.
