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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control   >   Lead-based Paint   >   The Lead Technical Studies Grant Program
The Lead Technical Studies Grant Program

The LTS Grant Program assists grantees to conduct research to gain knowledge on improving the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of methods for evaluation and control of residential lead-based paint hazards. Applicants are not required to provide a match to participate. The Notice of Funding Availability is published online.

Eligible applicants

Only academic institutions, non-profit and for-profit organizations (provided no fees are charged for services), States, Native American Tribes and local governments are eligible to apply under this program. Each year the OHHLHC awards approximately five grants of up to $1M per grant.

How to apply

Each funding opportunity will be announced on HUD's web site. Potential applicants must register with—please make sure you allow ample time for the registration process. You will download the Application Package and the Instructions.

The Instructions contain required forms that are not available as part of the application package. All Application materials are included in the published NOFA. Electronic submission is mandatory unless the applicant receives a waiver of this regulatory requirement. Previous year NOFAs are available in HUD's archives.