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Data Visualization and Analysis

neespi visualizationThe Giovanni NEESPI (monthly and daily) is the first application Giovanni instance allowing analyses of interdisciplinary parameters from multi-satellites observations and numerical models over the Northern Eurasia.  More than 35 parameters are available at monthly resolution for atmosphere, land surface, and cryosphere.  The products at daily resolution contain more than 20 parameters.  Exploration of interdisciplinary data can be conducted easily through Giovanni NEESPI.  For example, the system enables to study intra-seasonal, and interannual variations of land surface processes through such as land surface temperature, soil moisture, vegetation index and their relationship with precipitation, cloud cover, aerosol loading, etc.  The daily products from multi-sensors can be used to study fire and/or dust events.

Latest News

Users frequently request data for a particular season.  Data recipes at the NASA GES DISC instruct users on how to perform this and many other procedures with data services and tools.
Jan 17, 2013 - ‘Data Recipes’ for accessing and working with data at the NASA GES DISC

Step-by-step examples describe how to get the data scientists and other users need

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Image derived from AMSR-E data showing the sea ice minimum extent in summer 2007, subject of a research paper using Giovanni. Sea ice extent is approaching this record minimum extent in August 2012. (Image from NASA Earth Observatory)
Aug 24, 2012 - Science use of Giovanni increasing in 2012

Giovanni used across a wide spectrum of research topics

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The NASA Giovanni data system is used by scientists in many different countries, for a wide variety of Earth science research
Aug 10, 2012 - NASA GES DISC announces Call for Presentations and schedule for Giovanni online workshop

The Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop will take place September 25-27, 2012

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This map of NASA GES DISC user locations demonstrates the global usage of NASA's satellite remote-sensing data for earth science
Jun 14, 2012 - Spanning the globe to bring data users a wide variety of NASA earth science data

Researchers come to the NASA GES DISC from all corners of the online world

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The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission continues to provide weather and climate information for research on Earth's water cycle
May 24, 2012 - TRMM Composite Climatology (TCC) data arrives at NASA GES DISC

New data products provide insight into tropical patterns of rainfall

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NASA Official: Steve Kempler
Website Curator: M Hegde
Last updated: Nov 02, 2010 10:02 AM ET