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warn_icon.gif IMPORTANT MESSAGE Dec 10, 2012    GLDAS Version 2.0 Data Sets Are Released at NASA GES DISC   

The NASA GSFC Hydrological Sciences Laboratory (HSL) and Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) are pleased to announce the release of the Global Land Data Assimilation System Version 2.0 (GLDAS-2.0) data sets in the GES DISC Hydrology Data Holdings Portal.

This GLDAS-2.0 initial release includes GLDAS-2.0 1.0X1.0 degree 3-hourly and monthly data sets, GLDAS_NOAH10_3H.020 and GLDAS_NOAH10_M.020, generated by Noah model 3.3 with the updated Princeton Forcing Data. More information about the new GLDAS-2.0 data is available in the updated GLDAS-2 README document.

The two GLDAS-2.0 data sets are replacement of the previous GLDAS-2 Experiment 1 data sets, GLDAS_NOAH10_3H_E1.002 and GLDAS_NOAH10_M_E1.002.  The GLDAS-2 Experiment 1 data sets will be remained accessible until March 31, 2013 for users to evaluate and assess the changes between the data sets.

warn_icon.gif IMPORTANT MESSAGE Nov 21, 2012    NLDAS Monthly Data Sets Are Released at NASA GES DISC    

The NASA GSFC Hydrological Sciences Laboratory (HSL) and Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) are pleased to announce the release of the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) monthly data sets through the GES DISC Hydrology data portal.

To further facilitate analysis of water and energy budgets and trends, the HSL has generated NLDAS monthly data products. NLDAS monthly data are generated from the NLDAS hourly data, consisting of monthly accumulations for precipitation, runoff, evaporation, and snow melt; and monthly averages for other variables.

 More information is available at

warn_icon.gif IMPORTANT MESSAGE Sep 13, 2012    NLDAS and GLDAS User Mailing List:   

NASA GES DISC has created an email list for better dissemination of NLDAS- and GLDAS-related information (e.g., new data releases, new data service releases, data reprocessing updates, data delays or outages).  The email address of this mailing list is

To subscribe to the mailing list, please fill out the request form at You will receive an email requesting confirmation. Once confirmed, your request will be held for approval by the list moderator. Upon approval you will be notified by the moderator via email. This is a private list, which means that the list of members is not available to non-members.

Please note that this mailing list will be used by NASA GES DISC only for disseminating NLDAS- and GLDAS-related information. For questions on NLDAS- and GLDAS-related data and services, please continue to send email to

Supporting the Hydrological Sciences Laboratory (HSL)

The Hydrology DISC supports data products generated by GSFC's Hydrological Sciences Branch. Data products from the North America Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) and the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) can  be accessed through anonymous ftp, the Mirador search and access tool or the GrADS Data Server (GDS). NLDAS and GLDAS systems integrate data from multiple space-based Earth observing systems using advanced land surface modeling and assimilation techniques. These products support weather and climate forecast experiments, water resources applications, and water and energy cycle research.

The data are provisional and subject to change as model improvements are implemented and new input data sets become available.

Other atmospheric moisture and precipitation products are available from the AIRS and Precipitation Data and Information Services Centers.


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Last updated: Feb 13, 2012 02:35 PM ET