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Data Recipes

How to Combine Two Data Arrays on a Single Plot with Panoply

Overview:  Panoply is a data viewer that displays quickly geo-referenced arrays in NetCDF, HDF and GRIB format. Panoply is able to combine two arrays with a number of algorithms to make a single plot, such as combine, difference, average, etc.   This recipe shows how to make a combined plot with a same variable from two files.

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Quick View Data with Panoply

Overview:  Panoply is a data viewer that displays geo-referenced arrays in NetCDF, HDF and GRIB format. This recipe gives a tutorial on how to view data quickly with Panoply. Best When:  Need to view a data of geo-referenced variables quickly Task:  Viewing Data Example:  In order to study seasonal variations of aerosol optical property over southwest Asia, SeaWiFS Deep Blue (SWDB) Level 3 monthly aerosol data are downloaded from GES DISC.  Before ...

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How to View Remote Data in OPeNDAP with Panoply

Overview:  Panoply is a data viewer that displays geo-referenced arrays in NetCDF, HDF and GRIB format. This recipe is an example to access data directly in OPeNDAP with Panoply. Best When:  Need to view data of geo-referenced variables quickly Task:  Viewing Data Example:  SeaWiFS Deep Blue (SWDB) product has aerosol optical thickness (AOT) over both desert, vegetated land surfaces, and over ocean.  The spatial resolution of the SWDB Level 2 product is ...

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How to Obtain Seasonal Data with Mirador

Overview:  If you would like to have data for a certain period of each year, Mirador will do it with its “seasonal search” feature.   This recipe gives an example on how to get data files of an interested time period for all years in a single order with Mirador.

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How to Obtain a Spatio-temporal + Variable Subset of Data with the Simple Subset Wizard

Overview:  In general, a data file contains more than one variable.  If one would like to conduct regional study for a long time period, downloading the original data files may be time consuming and consume much storage at user’s local system.   The Simple Subset Wizard (SSW) service can subset both variable and spatial areas from the original data.  This recipe will show you how to download a variable for a region and ...

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NASA Official: Steve Kempler
Website Curator: M Hegde
Last updated: Dec 12, 2012 03:26 PM ET