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Welcome to the EOS Aura Data Support Web Site at the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC).

Aura is the EOS chemistry mission which aims to answer three important questions: is the ozone layer recovering, is air quality getting worse, and is the Earth's climate changing? Aura will continue the long term series of atmospheric chemistry measurements made by earlier missions. The Aura spacecraft operates in a 705 km sun-synchronous polar orbit, with an ascending equator crossing at 1:45 PM. The satellite carries four state-of-the-art instruments:


Data Access:
To order any of the OMI, MLS or HIRDLS data, please click on the "Data Access" link on menu bar. * NOTE: TES data are available from the ASDC located at NASA Langley Research Center.


Parameters Measured by Aura:

(Chart showing parameters measured by Aura.)

(Click on this image for a larger view)

Related Data:

Related atmospheric chemistry and dynamics data sets are available from the GES DISC, including UARS, TOMS, GOME, BUV/ SBUV/ SSBUV, LIMS, TOVS, and AIRS. Solar irradiance data from SORCE and UARS are also available.


Latest News

Global image of OMI Tropospheric NO2 for Sep 10-12, 2012 . In the image above, the high values of NO2 in the northern hemisphere are mostly due to industrial and automobile combustion processes and in the South mostly due to seasonal biomass burning.
Feb 14, 2013 - Public Release of a New Aura-OMI Global Atmospheric NO2 Product

Total and Tropospheric NO2 vertical column densities at 0.25x0.25 degree global grids based on improved OMI NO2 algorithm

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The impact of dust on the Mediterranean Basin is just one of many subjects researched with the aid of the Giovanni data visualization and analysis system.    (MODIS Terra image, February 25, 2006, courtesy NASA Visible Earth).
Jan 15, 2013 - Giovanni publication count for 2012 exceeds previous year

Broad diversity of uses for NASA data visualization and analysis tool seen in most recent compilation

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Charles Ichoku of GSFC used Giovanni in reseach on the linkages between environmental processes and drought in sub-Saharan Africa
Dec 31, 2012 - Now online: Proceedings of the 2012 Gregory G. Leptoukh Online Giovanni Workshop

Research utilizing Giovanni was the focus of unique international Internet meeting

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Data partnerships and collaborations were the subject of several presentations by the NASA GES DISC at the AGU 2012 Fall Meeting.
Dec 21, 2012 - NASA GES DISC Presentations at AGU Fall Meeting 2012 Highlight Science Partners

Collaborations and data partnerships on hydrology, aerosols, precipitation, data preservation, and data assimilation described

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Figure 1. GOZCARDS HCl field at 46 hPa (1991-2010); all latitudes are shown (from 90°S at bottom to 90°N at top). This field is produced by combining datasets from HALOE (1991-2005), ACE-FTS (2004-2010), and Aura MLS (2004-2010)
Dec 18, 2012 - MEaSUREs GOZCARDS Data Now Available

Initial products from NASA MEaSUREs GOZCARDS project now available at GES DISC

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NASA Official: Steve Kempler
Website Curator: M Hegde
Last updated: Jan 08, 2013 11:55 AM ET