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We will enable the dynamic control and operation of the global, net-centric enterprise infrastructure. We will coordinate and synchronize the operation and assure support for the full spectrum of military requirements and operations, supporting USCYBERCOM in its mission to provide secure, interoperable, and reliable operation of the DoD net-centric enterprise infrastructure. We will ensure the DoD community risk management processes support decisions that consider all relevant mission needs and risks in meeting cyber security standards and policies for DoD.


DISA operates and assures a reliable, available, secure, and protected global net-centric enterprise in direct support to joint warfighters, national-level leaders, and other mission and coalition partners across the full spectrum of operations.


Dynamic control and operation of our enterprise infrastructure and the command and control and information sharing abilities and services.


  • Operate and assure the enterprise infrastructure and execute C2 and information sharing capabilities to enable critical missions to succeed across the full spectrum of operations under all conditions of peace and war.
  • Implement and institutionalize operational governance for NetOps readiness to ensure life cycle sustainment, standardization of functionality, and interoperability.
  • Optimize mission partner engagement and synchronize DISA services and capabilities to meet senior national leader; combatant Commands/Services/Agencies (CC/S/A); coalition; and other governmental partner mission requirements.
  • Conduct and influence cyber risk management and compliance processes to secure the DoD enterprise infrastructure.
  • Evolve DISA global NetOps structure through Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership and Education, personnel, and Facilities (DOTMLPF) analysis to maximize service operations, management, and mission assurance of the DISA enterprise infrastructure.
  • Enhance DISA’s ability to execute continuity of operations (COOP) plans in order to sustain the DISA enterprise infrastructure and preserve continuity of government (CoG) communications capabilities.