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2006 News Photography
More than 600 trade industry leaders are in Washington, D.C. to attend CBP's annual trade symposium featuring information concerning the state of trade security five years after the attacks of 2001.
Trade Symposium 2006 - 12/14/2006
More than 600 trade industry leaders are in Washington, D.C. to attend CBP's annual trade symposium featuring information concerning the state of trade security five years after the attacks of 2001.

CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham gives the opening address at the 2006 symposium. The Commissioner introduced himself to the gathering at his first symposium and promised the group to make securing and facilitating trade a major priority.
Trade Symposium 2006 - 12/14/2006
CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham gives the opening address at the 2006 symposium. The Commissioner introduced himself to the gathering at his first symposium and promised the group to make securing and facilitating trade a major priority.

Commissioner Basham tells the attendees that stringent trade security measures implemented since 2001 have not slowed trade but in fact has modernized it and made it more efficient.
Trade Symposium 2006 - 12/14/2006
Commissioner Basham tells the attendees that stringent trade security measures implemented since 2001 have not slowed trade but in fact has modernized it and made it more efficient.

A symposium attendee discusses the role of CBP's laboratories in safeguarding U.S. trade.
Trade Symposium 2006 - 12/14/2006
A symposium attendee discusses the role of CBP's laboratories in safeguarding U.S. trade.

Deputy Commissioner Deborah J. Spero greets the gathering and introduces Commissioner Basham.
Trade Symposium 2006 - 12/14/2006
Deputy Commissioner Deborah J. Spero greets the gathering and introduces Commissioner Basham.

Commissioner Basham called the recent SAFE Port Act passed by Congress an endorsement of the actions taken jointly by the trade community and by CBP to secure global trade and U.S. ports.
Trade Symposium 2006 - 12/14/2006
Commissioner Basham called the recent SAFE Port Act passed by Congress an endorsement of the actions taken jointly by the trade community and by CBP to secure global trade and U.S. ports.

Commissioner Basham responds to a question from the media at a briefing following his speech to symposium attendees.
Trade Symposium 2006 - 12/14/2006
Commissioner Basham responds to a question from the media at a briefing following his speech to symposium attendees.

Rob Portman, Director of the Office of Management and Budget and former U.S. Trade Representative, told symposium attendees that improved trade security is paving the way to global economic growth.
Trade Symposium 2006 - 12/14/2006
Rob Portman, Director of the Office of Management and Budget and former U.S. Trade Representative, told symposium attendees that improved trade security is paving the way to global economic growth.

The Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach has layers of security to prevent the introductions of radiological weapons into the U.S. Here CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham describes port security with, from left, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), CBP Los Angeles Field Director Kevin W. Weeks and CBP Los Angeles/Long Beach Port Director Todd A. Hoffman.
SAFE Ports L.A./Long Beach Style - 11/03/2006
The Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach has layers of security to prevent the introductions of radiological weapons into the U.S. Here CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham describes port security with, from left, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), CBP Los Angeles Field Director Kevin W. Weeks and CBP Los Angeles/Long Beach Port Director Todd A. Hoffman.

CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham tours the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach with local Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. This is the largest, busiest port in the nation. CBP cleared over 5 million containers here in fiscal year 2006.
SAFE Ports L.A./Long Beach Style - 11/03/2006
CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham tours the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach with local Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. This is the largest, busiest port in the nation. CBP cleared over 5 million containers here in fiscal year 2006.

CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham takes the helm of a crane that lifts cargo containers from ships at the port. About 45 percent of the sea containers entering the U.S. come through this facility.
SAFE Ports L.A./Long Beach Style - 11/03/2006
CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham takes the helm of a crane that lifts cargo containers from ships at the port. About 45 percent of the sea containers entering the U.S. come through this facility.

A CBP officer shows Commissioner W. Ralph Basham equipment used to move cargo from ships onto the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach.
SAFE Ports L.A./Long Beach Style - 11/03/2006
A CBP officer shows Commissioner W. Ralph Basham equipment used to move cargo from ships onto the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach.

CBP officers inspects a truck with a Mobile Portal Radiation Monitor that assures the truck’s safety before it is released from the Port of Los Angeles-Long Beach.
SAFE Ports L.A./Long Beach Style - 11/03/2006
CBP officers inspects a truck with a Mobile Portal Radiation Monitor that assures the truck’s safety before it is released from the Port of Los Angeles-Long Beach.

CBP Air and Marine unveiled its newest asset, a high-tech Unmanned Aircraft System. Air and Marine Assistant Commissioner Michael C. Kostelnik describes the capabilities of the new drone while Border Patrol Deputy Chief Kevin L. Steven, left, and Thomas J. Cassidy Jr., president of manufacturer General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. looks on.
Newest Asset for CBP Air and Marine - 10/30/2006
CBP Air and Marine unveiled its newest asset, a high-tech Unmanned Aircraft System. Air and Marine Assistant Commissioner Michael C. Kostelnik describes the capabilities of the new drone while Border Patrol Deputy Chief Kevin L. Steven, left, and Thomas J. Cassidy Jr., president of manufacturer General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. looks on.

The new Unmanned Aircraft System is controlled on the ground and has sophisticated cameras that provide information concerning illegal activities taking place in remote areas to Border Patrol agents.
Newest Asset for CBP Air and Marine - 10/30/2006
The new Unmanned Aircraft System is controlled on the ground and has sophisticated cameras that provide information concerning illegal activities taking place in remote areas to Border Patrol agents.

The new Unmanned Aircraft System features the latest technologies, including improved communication and surveillance systems. The aircraft, stationed in Sierra Vista, Ariz. will patrol throughout the southwest border.
Newest Asset for CBP Air and Marine - 10/30/2006
The new Unmanned Aircraft System features the latest technologies, including improved communication and surveillance systems. The aircraft, stationed in Sierra Vista, Ariz. will patrol throughout the southwest border.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff describes progress being made in overcoming illegal immigration at the southern border, with Assistant Secretary of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Julie Myers looking on.
2006 Accomplishments News Conference - 10/30/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff describes progress being made in overcoming illegal immigration at the southern border, with Assistant Secretary of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Julie Myers looking on.

CBP Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar said that apprehensions are down 8.4 percent from last year, evidence that emphasis on border security is serving as a deterrent to illegal immigration. Aguilar spoke at a news conference along with Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Assistant Homeland Security Secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement Julie Myers.
2006 Accomplishments News Conference - 10/30/2006
CBP Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar said that apprehensions are down 8.4 percent from last year, evidence that emphasis on border security is serving as a deterrent to illegal immigration. Aguilar spoke at a news conference along with Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Assistant Homeland Security Secretary for Immigration and Customs Enforcement Julie Myers.

Customs and Border Protection Assistant Commissioner Michael Kostelnik discusses the role of CBP Air and Marine in the fight against terrorism duringt the launching of the Great Falls, Montana Air Branch.
Launching of the Great Falls Montana Air Branch - 10/16/2006
Customs and Border Protection Assistant Commissioner Michael Kostelnik discusses the role of CBP Air and Marine in the fight against terrorism duringt the launching of the Great Falls, Montana Air Branch.

Customs and Border Protection Assistant Commissioner Michael Kostelnik discusses the role of CBP Air and Customs and Border Protection Assistant Commissioner Michael Kostelnik describes future operations at the launching of the Great Falls, Montana Air Branch.
Launching of the Great Falls Montana Air Branch - 10/16/2006
Customs and Border Protection Assistant Commissioner Michael Kostelnik describes future operations at the launching of the Great Falls, Montana Air Branch.

Montana Senator Conrad Burns speaks at the launching of the Air Branch in Great Falls, Montana, the third of five northern border air surveilance facilities to be operated by CBP.
Launching of the Great Falls Montana Air Branch - 10/16/2006
Montana Senator Conrad Burns speaks at the launching of the Air Branch in Great Falls, Montana, the third of five northern border air surveilance facilities to be operated by CBP.

Rep. Denny Rehberg of Montana speaks at the launching of the Great Falls, Montana Air Branch, which brings high-tech aerial surveilance to the Montana-Canada border.
Launching of the Great Falls Montana Air Branch - 10/16/2006
Rep. Denny Rehberg of Montana speaks at the launching of the Great Falls, Montana Air Branch, which brings high-tech aerial surveilance to the Montana-Canada border.

DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff announces the award of a contract with Boeing to implement SBInet along the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders. Rt to Lft is CBP Commissioner Ralph Basham, DHS Deputy Secretary Michael Jackson, Boeing President James Albaugh and DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff.
SBInet Award - 09/21/2006
DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff announces the award of a contract with Boeing to implement SBInet along the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders.

DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff, joined by Boeing President James Albaugh, announces the award of a contract with Boeing to implement SBInet along the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders.
SBInet Award - 09/21/2006
DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff, joined by Boeing President James Albaugh, announces the award of a contract with Boeing to implement SBInet along the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders.

CBP Commissioner W Ralph Basham unveiled the new Radiation Portal Monitor in the port of Baltimore MD.
CBP Unveils New Radiation Portal Monitors in Baltimore - 09/14/2006
CBP Commissioner W Ralph Basham unveiled the new Radiation Portal Monitor in the port of Baltimore MD.

DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff speaks at a Town Hall Meeting with employees to discuss operational developments since 9/11 in Washington D.C.
DHS Town Hall Meeting - 09/11/2006
DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff speaks at a Town Hall Meeting with employees to discuss operational developments since 9/11 in Washington D.C.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff addresses DHS employees during a town hall meeting held in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC.
DHS Town Hall Meeting - 09/11/2006
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff addresses DHS employees during a town hall meeting held in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC.

A large American flag is hung at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.
CBP Holds 9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
Employees of U.S. Customs and Border Protection nationwide observed a moment of silence Monday morning in memory of the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

Air Officers salute at a 9/11 remembrance at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
Air Officers salute at a 9/11 remembrance at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.

CBP officers salute as the national anthem is sung.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
CBP officers salute as the national anthem is sung.

CBP employees put their hands over their hearts  at 9/11 remembrance at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
CBP employees put their hands over their hearts at 9/11 remembrance at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.

A bagpiper stands fast at a 9/11 remembrance ceremony at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
A bagpiper stands fast at a 9/11 remembrance ceremony at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.

People gather to pay respect during the 5th anniversary Ceremony of the 9/11 tragedy held at the Woodrow Wilson Plaza in Washington DC.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
People gather to pay respect during the 5th anniversary Ceremony of the 9/11 tragedy held at the Woodrow Wilson Plaza in Washington DC.

CBP Air and Marine Assistant Commissioner Michael Kostelnik bows his head in a moment of silence at 9/11 remembrance ceremony at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
CBP Air and Marine Assistant Commissioner Michael Kostelnik bows his head in a moment of silence at 9/11 remembrance ceremony at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.

People gather to pay respect during the 5th anniversary Ceremony of the 9/11 tragedy held at the Woodrow Wilson Plaza in Washington DC.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
People gather to pay respect during the 5th anniversary Ceremony of the 9/11 tragedy held at the Woodrow Wilson Plaza in Washington DC.

CBP Commissioner Ralph Basham makes remarks at 9/11 remembrance at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
CBP Commissioner Ralph Basham makes remarks at 9/11 remembrance at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.

Members of CBP listen to remarks at 9/11 remembrance ceremony at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
Members of CBP listen to remarks at 9/11 remembrance ceremony at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.

A lone bagpiper plays Amazing Grace at 9/11 remembrance ceremony at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
A lone bagpiper plays Amazing Grace at 9/11 remembrance ceremony at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.

Conclusion of the 9/11 remembrance ceremony held at the Woodrow Wilson Plaza in DC.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
Conclusion of the 9/11 remembrance ceremony held at the Woodrow Wilson Plaza in DC.

A CBP Honor Guard listens to remarks at 9/11 remembrance ceremony at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.
9/11 Remembrance - 09/11/2006
A CBP Honor Guard listens to remarks at 9/11 remembrance ceremony at CBP Headquarters in Washington D.C.

CBP Commissioner Ralph Basham speaks with members of the CBP air branch in Hammond, Louisiana.
Commissioner Tours Louisiana on Katrina Anniversary - 09/05/2006
CBP Commissioner Ralph Basham speaks with members of the CBP air branch in Hammond, Louisiana.

CBP Commissioner Ralph Basham arrives in Hammond, Louisiana at the CBP air branch, Asst Comm. Kostelnik briefs the Commissioner.
Commissioner Tours Louisiana on Katrina Anniversary - 09/05/2006
CBP Commissioner Ralph Basham arrives in Hammond, Louisiana at the CBP air branch, Asst Comm. Kostelnik briefs the Commissioner.

Customs and Border Protection Commissioner W. Ralph Basham speaks during the groundbreaking ceremony of the National Air Training Center, held in Oklahoma City, Okla.
National Air Training Center Groundbreaking - 08/25/2006
Customs and Border Protection Commissioner W. Ralph Basham speaks during the groundbreaking ceremony of the National Air Training Center, held in Oklahoma City, Okla.

CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham, Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry, Congressman Ernest Istook and other dignitaries perform the ground breaking ceremony for the National Air Training Center in Oklahoma City, Okla.
National Air Training Center Ground Breaking - 08/25/2006
CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham, Oklahoma Governor Brad Henry, Congressman Ernest Istook and other dignitaries perform the ground breaking ceremony for the National Air Training Center in Oklahoma City, Okla.

Customs and Border Protection Commissioner W. Ralph Basham speaks to the media after the dedication ceremony for the National Air Training Center located in Oklahoma City, Okla.
National Air Training Center Ground Breaking - 08/25/2006
Customs and Border Protection Commissioner W. Ralph Basham speaks to the media after the dedication ceremony for the National Air Training Center located in Oklahoma City, Okla.

Governor of Oklahoma Brad Henry speaks at the CBP ground breaking ceremony of the National Air Training Center in Oklahoma City, Okla.
National Air Training Center Ground Breaking - 08/25/2006
Governor of Oklahoma Brad Henry speaks at the CBP ground breaking ceremony of the National Air Training Center in Oklahoma City, Okla.

Congressman Ernest Istook speaks at the Customs and Border Protection ground breaking ceremony for the National Air Training Center in Oklahoma City, Okla.
National Air Training Center Ground Breaking - 08/25/2006
Congressman Ernest Istook speaks at the Customs and Border Protection ground breaking ceremony for the National Air Training Center in Oklahoma City, Okla.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff points to statistical trends in the border security during  a press event held in Washington D.C. today.
Press Event - Washington, D.C. - 08/23/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff points to statistical trends in the border security during a press event held in Washington D.C. today.

Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar discusses the success of new border initiatives during a press event held in Washington D.C.
Press Event - Washington, D.C. - 08/23/2006
Customs and Border Protection Border Patrol Chief David V. Aguilar discusses the success of new border initiatives during a press event held in Washington D.C.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff speaks about the success of the new border initiatives at a press event held in Washington D.C. today.
Press Event - Washington, D.C. - 08/23/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff speaks about the success of the new border initiatives at a press event held in Washington D.C. today.

Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar at a press conference in Washington D.C.
Press Event - Washington, D.C. - 08/23/2006
Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar at a press conference in Washington D.C.

DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff discusses the successes of new border initiatives and future border security challenges during a press conference in Washington D.C.
Press Event - Washington, D.C. - 08/23/2006
DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff discusses the successes of new border initiatives and future border security challenges during a press conference in Washington D.C.

DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff announces the successful end of "catch and release" on the southern border during a press conference in Washington D.C.
Press Event - Washington, D.C. - 08/23/2006
DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff announces the successful end of "catch and release" on the southern border during a press conference in Washington D.C.

A CBP officer checks a passenger's document after arriving in the United States.
Passenger Screening - 08/14/2006
A CBP officer checks a passenger's document after arriving in the United States.

A CBP officer checks passengers documents after arriving at Dulles airport outside Washington D.C.
Passenger Screening - 08/14/2006
A CBP officer checks passengers documents after arriving at Dulles airport outside Washington D.C.

A CBP Canine officer checks a passengers luggage after arrival into the U.S.
Passenger Screening - 08/14/2006
A CBP Canine officer checks a passengers luggage after arrival into the U.S.

A CBP officer checks a passenger's documentation after arrival into the U.S.
Passenger Screening - 08/14/2006
A CBP officer checks a passenger's documentation after arrival into the U.S.

A CBP officer checks a passenger's documentation after arrival into the U.S.
Passenger Screening - 08/14/2006
A CBP officer checks a passenger's documentation after arrival into the U.S.

A CBP officer checks a passenger's luggage and documents.
Passenger Screening - 08/14/2006
A CBP officer checks a passenger's luggage and documents.

A CBP officer checks a passenger's luggage and documents upon arrival in the United States.
Passenger Screening - 08/10/2006
A CBP officer checks a passenger's luggage and documents upon arrival in the United States.

CBP officer's check a passenger's luggage at Washington-Dulles International Airport.
Passenger Screening - 08/10/2006
CBP officer's check a passenger's luggage at Washington-Dulles International Airport.

A CBP officer checks a passenger's document after arriving at Washington-Dulles International Airport.
Passenger Screening - 08/10/2006
A CBP officer checks a passenger's document after arriving at Washington-Dulles International Airport.

A CBP officer discusses a passenger's documents after arrival at Washington-Dulles International Airport.
Passenger Screening - 08/10/2006
A CBP officer discusses a passenger's documents after arrival at Washington-Dulles International Airport.

A CBP canine officer screens airport passengers luggage for unlawful or dangerous items.
Passenger Screening - 08/10/2006
A CBP canine officer screens airport passengers luggage for unlawful or dangerous items.

A CBP officer checks a passenger's luggage upon arrival in the U.S.
Passenger Screening - 08/10/2006
A CBP officer checks a passenger's luggage upon arrival in the U.S.

President Bush addresses CBP Border Patrol agents and National Guard troops in McAllen, Texas.
President Bush Visits Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector - 08/03/2006
President Bush addresses CBP Border Patrol agents and National Guard troops in McAllen, Texas.

President Bush addresses CBP Border Patrol agents and National Guard troops in McAllen, Texas.
President Bush Visits Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector - 08/03/2006
President Bush addresses CBP Border Patrol agents and National Guard troops in McAllen, Texas.

President Bush addresses CBP Border Patrol agents and National Guard troops in McAllen, Texas.
President Bush Visits Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector - 08/03/2006
President Bush addresses CBP Border Patrol agents and National Guard troops in McAllen, Texas.

President Bush addresses CBP Border Patrol agents and National Guard troops in McAllen, Texas.
President Bush Visits Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector - 08/03/2006
President Bush greets CBP Air and Marine agents at the airport in McAllen, Texas.

CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar and Lt Gen H Steven Blum Chief of National Guard Bureau answer questions during the border security briefing held in Washington DC. today.
Border Security Briefing - 07/25/2006
CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar and Lt Gen H Steven Blum Chief of National Guard Bureau answer questions during the border security briefing held in Washington DC. today.

Commissioner Basham prepares to take an aerial tour of the Yuma sector.
Commissioner Basham in Blackhawk Helicopter - 06/21/2006
Commissioner Basham prepares to take an aerial tour of the Yuma sector.

Commissioner Basham is shown Camp Grip's area of operation. Camp Grip is located in the Yuma Sector.
Commissioner Basham in Yuma Sector - 06/21/2006
Commissioner Basham is shown Camp Grip's area of operation. Camp Grip is located in the Yuma Sector.

CBP Commissioner Basham talks to members of the National Guard that are stationed at the Yuma sector.
Commissioner Basham with National Guard - 06/21/2006
CBP Commissioner Basham talks to members of the National Guard that are stationed at the Yuma sector.

Commissioner Basham takes a tour of the Nogales port of entry.
Commissioner Basham Greeting CBP Officers - 06/21/2006
Commissioner Basham takes a tour of the Nogales port of entry.

CBP Assistant Commissioner of International Affairs Keith Thomson and Egyptian Government official Mr. Adel Radwan sign a declaration of principles in Washington D.C.
Declaration of Principles Signing Event - 06/22/2006
CBP Assistant Commissioner of International Affairs Keith Thomson and Egyptian Government official Mr. Adel Radwan sign a declaration of principles in Washington D.C.

CBP Commissioner Basham addresses Border Patrol agents and National Guard Troops at the Border Patrol Yuma sector HQ.
Commissioner W. Ralph Basham in Yuma AZ - 06/21/2006
CBP Commissioner Basham addresses Border Patrol agents and National Guard Troops at the Border Patrol Yuma sector HQ.

Commissioner W. Ralph Basham tours Nogales, Arizona port of entry and speaks with a CBP Officer.
Nogales, Arizona Port of Entry - 06/21/2006
Commissioner W. Ralph Basham tours Nogales, Arizona port of entry and speaks with a CBP Officer.

Commissioner Basham addresses Border Patrol Agents and National Guard Troops at the Tucson Border Patrol Sector.
Commissioner W. Ralph Basham in Tucson, Arizona - 06/21/2006
Commissioner Basham addresses Border Patrol Agents and National Guard Troops at the Tucson Border Patrol Sector.

Commissioner Basham tours the Border Patrol Tucson Sector at Nogales Station.
Commissioner W. Ralph Basham in Tucson, Arizona - 06/21/2006
Commissioner Basham tours the Border Patrol Tucson Sector at Nogales Station.

Commissioner Basham tours the Border Patrol Tucson Sector at Nogales Station.
Commissioner W. Ralph Basham in Tucson, Arizona - 06/21/2006
Commissioner Basham tours the Border Patrol Tucson Sector at Nogales Station.

Brenda LaGrange Johnson, U.S. Ambassador to Jamaica congratulates Robert Pickersgill, Jamaican Minister of Housing, Transport, Water and Works, after signing a Declaration of Principles in Washington, D.C on June 20.#10;
Declaration of Principles signing event in Washington, D.C. - 06/20/2006
Brenda LaGrange Johnson, U.S. Ambassador to Jamaica congratulates Robert Pickersgill, Jamaican Minister of Housing, Transport, Water and Works, after signing a Declaration of Principles in Washington, D.C on June 20.

Commissioner W. Ralph Basham at the AAEI conference held in New York.
American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI) Conference - 06/13/2006
Commissioner W. Ralph Basham at the AAEI conference held in New York.

Commissioner W. Ralph Basham speaking at the AAEI conference held in New York.
American Association of Exporters and Importers (AAEI) Conference - 06/13/2006
Commissioner W. Ralph Basham speaking at the AAEI conference held in New York.

CBP Deputy Commissioner Deborah Spero speaks at a press conference concerning the  launch of a traveler awareness campaign at BWI in Baltimore.
Know Before You Go - 06/07/2006
CBP Deputy Commissioner Deborah Spero speaks at a press conference concerning the launch of a traveler awareness campaign at BWI in Baltimore.

CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham is sworn in by President Bush in Artesia NM at the Border Patrol training facility.
Commissioner W. Ralph Basham Swearing In Ceremony - 06/06/2006
CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham is sworn in by President Bush in Artesia NM at the Border Patrol training facility.

CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham is sworn in by President Bush in Artesia NM at the Border Patrol training facility.
Commissioner W. Ralph Basham Swearing In Ceremony - 06/06/2006
CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham is sworn in by President Bush in Artesia NM at the Border Patrol training facility.

CBP Border Patrol Chief, David Aguilar along with Lieutenant General H. Steven Blum Chief of the National Guard Bureau discusses the deployment of the National Guard troops to the southern border.
Border Patrol and National Guard Press Event - 06/05/2006
CBP Border Patrol Chief, David Aguilar along with Lieutenant General H. Steven Blum Chief of the National Guard Bureau discusses the deployment of the National Guard troops to the southern border.

Lieutenant General H. Steven Blum Chief of the National Guard Bureau along with CBP Border Patrol Chief, David Aguilar discusses the deployment of the National Guard troops to the southern border.
Border Patrol and National Guard Press Event - 06/05/2006
Lieutenant General H. Steven Blum Chief of the National Guard Bureau along with CBP Border Patrol Chief, David Aguilar discusses the deployment of the National Guard troops to the southern border.

New CBP Commissioner receives his law enforcement credentials from Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff as Deputy Commissioner Spero looks on.
Welcome Ceremony for CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham - 06/05/2006
New CBP Commissioner receives his law enforcement credentials from Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff as Deputy Commissioner Spero looks on.

DHS Secretary Chertoff speaks on the confirmation of CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham.
Welcome Ceremony for CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham - 06/05/2006
DHS Secretary Chertoff speaks on the confirmation of CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham.

Deputy Commissioner Spero makes opening remarks at during a ceremony for CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham.
Welcome Ceremony for CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham - 06/05/2006
Deputy Commissioner Spero makes opening remarks at during a ceremony for CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham.

New CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham addresses CBP on his first day on the job.
Welcome Ceremony for CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham - 06/05/2006
New CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham addresses CBP on his first day on the job.

New CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham said he will value respect, integrity and cooperation as CBP moves forward.
Welcome Ceremony for CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham - 06/05/2006
New CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham said he will value respect, integrity and cooperation as CBP moves forward.

New CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham addresses an enthusiastic audience of CBP employees at the Ronald Reagan Building.
Welcome Ceremony for CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham - 06/05/2006
New CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham addresses an enthusiastic audience of CBP employees at the Ronald Reagan Building.

New CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham thanked Deputy Commissioner Deborah Spero for her contributions as acting commissioner.
Welcome Ceremony for CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham - 06/05/2006
New CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham thanked Deputy Commissioner Deborah Spero for her contributions as acting commissioner.

quot;Thank you for welcoming me today into this very special organization,quot; new Commissioner W. Ralph Basham told his employees.
Welcome Ceremony for CBP Commissioner W. Ralph Basham - 06/05/2006
"Thank you for welcoming me today into this very special organization," new Commissioner W. Ralph Basham told his employees.

President Bush addresses federal, state and local officials in Yuma AZ.
President Bush Visits the Southern Land Border - 05/18/2006
President Bush addresses federal, state and local officials in Yuma AZ.

President Bush and Border Patrol Chief Aguilar address federal, state, and local officials in Yuma, AZ.
President Bush Visits the Southern Land Border - 05/18/2006
President Bush and Border Patrol Chief Aguilar address federal, state, and local officials in Yuma, AZ.

CBP Acting Commissioner Deborah Spero with Assistant Commissioners Jayson Ahern and Keith Thomson hosted a Departmental Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of CBP (COAC) discussion about port and cargo security.
CBP hosts COAC Meeting - 05/16/2006
CBP Acting Commissioner Deborah Spero with Assistant Commissioners Jayson Ahern and Keith Thomson hosted a Departmental Advisory Committee on Commercial Operations of CBP (COAC) discussion about port and cargo security.

Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff responds to questions during the Border Security Briefing held at the White House.
Border Security Briefing - 05/16/2006
Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff responds to questions during the Border Security Briefing held at the White House.

CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar responds to questions during the Border Security Briefing held at the White House.
Border Security Briefing - 05/16/2006
CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar responds to questions during the Border Security Briefing held at the White House.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Honor Guard competed at this year's National Honor Guard Competition held in Washington, D.C.
National Honor Guard Competition - 05/14/2006
U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Honor Guard competed at this year's National Honor Guard Competition held in Washington, D.C.

CBP office of Border Patrol honor guard team competed in this year,s National Honor Guard Competition held in Washington DC.
National Honor Guard Competition - 05/14/2006
CBP office of Border Patrol honor guard team competed in this year's National Honor Guard Competition held in Washington DC.

Michael Chertoff speaks at a ceremony honoring fallen CBP Officers and Agents in Washington D.C.
Ceremony in Washington D.C. - 05/12/2006
Michael Chertoff speaks at a ceremony honoring fallen CBP Officers and Agents in Washington D.C.

CBP Officer stands guard next to a wreath placed to honor those who have fallen in the line of duty.
Honor Guard Ceremony - 05/12/2006
CBP Officer stands guard next to a wreath placed to honor those who have fallen in the line of duty.

A CBP Officer bows her head during a moment of silence at a ceremony honoring fallen CBP Officers and Agents.
Honor Guard Ceremony - 05/12/2006
A CBP Officer bows her head during a moment of silence at a ceremony honoring fallen CBP Officers and Agents.

CBP Acting Commissioner Spero, Border Patrol Chief Aguilar, and OFO Assistant Commissioner Ahern, lay a wreath to honor law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty.
Ceremony in Washington D.C. - 05/12/2006
CBP Acting Commissioner Spero, Border Patrol Chief Aguilar, and OFO Assistant Commissioner Ahern, lay a wreath to honor law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty.

Secretary Michael Chertoff and CBP Acting Commissioner Deborah Spero participates in this years Valor Memorial serviced held at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC.
Secretary's Second Annual Award Ceremony - 05/12/2006
Secretary Michael Chertoff and CBP Acting Commissioner Deborah Spero participates in this years Valor Memorial serviced held at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff awards William Heffelfinger, CBP Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Office of Field Operations, the Secretary's Gold Medal.
Secretary's Second Annual Award Ceremony - 05/10/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff awards William Heffelfinger, CBP Deputy Assistant Commissioner, Office of Field Operations, the Secretary's Gold Medal.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff speaks at the opening of the Secretary's Second Annual Award Ceremony in Washington DC.
Secretary's Second Annual Award Ceremony - 05/10/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff speaks at the opening of the Secretary's Second Annual Award Ceremony in Washington DC.

Mr. George Takei signs autographs at the Ronald Reagan building, in Washington DC after his Asian Pacific Heritage speech.
Asian Pacific Heritage Ceremony - 05/09/2006
Mr. George Takei signs autographs at the Ronald Reagan building, in Washington DC after his Asian Pacific Heritage speech.

Dancers perform at the Asian Pacific Heritage Celebration held in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC.
Asian Pacific Heritage Ceremony - 05/09/2006
Dancers perform at the Asian Pacific Heritage Celebration held in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC.

Dancers perform at the Asian Pacific Heritage Celebration held in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC.
Asian Pacific Heritage Ceremony - 05/09/2006
Dancers perform at the Asian Pacific Heritage Celebration held in the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington DC.

Mr. George Takei Speaks during this years Asian Pacific Heritage Ceremony held at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington DC.
Asian Pacific Heritage Ceremony - 05/09/2006
Mr. George Takei Speaks during this years Asian Pacific Heritage Ceremony held at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington DC.

Mr. George Takei Speaks during this years Asian Pacific Heritage Ceremony held at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington DC.
Asian Pacific Heritage Ceremony - 05/09/2006
Mr. George Takei Speaks during this years Asian Pacific Heritage Ceremony held at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington DC.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer holds puppy at the Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW).
Public Service Recognition Week - 05/04/2006
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer holds puppy at the Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW).

A CBP employee hands out outreach material at this year's PSRW.
Public Service Recognition Week - 05/04/2006
A CBP employee hands out outreach material at this year's PSRW.

A CBP Safeboat at the PSRW.
Public Service Recognition Week - 05/04/2006
A CBP Safeboat at the PSRW.

A CBP Fastboat at this year's PSRW.
Public Service Recognition Week - 05/04/2006
A CBP Fastboat at this year's PSRW.

CBP Assistant Commissioner Jay Ahern Comments on Port Security and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C.
Chamber of Commerce - 04/25/2006
CBP Assistant Commissioner Jay Ahern Comments on Port Security and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington D.C.

The Honorable Peter T. King, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security along with Jayson Ahern and the rest of the Homeland Security Committee unveil the newest radiation portal monitor in Washington DC.
Hill Day - 04/25/2006
The Honorable Peter T. King, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security along with Jayson Ahern and the rest of the Homeland Security Committee unveil the newest radiation portal monitor in Washington DC.

Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Michael Jackson and CBP Assistant Commissioner Jayson Ahern speak to the media after the press event held in Washington DC.
Hill Day - 04/25/2006
Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Michael Jackson and CBP Assistant Commissioner Jayson Ahern speak to the media after the press event held in Washington DC.

The Honorable Peter T. King, Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security along with Jayson Ahern and other members of the Homeland Security Committee unveil the newest radiation portal monitor in Washington DC.
Hill Day - 04/25/2006
Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Michael Jackson, right, and CBP Assistant Commissioner Jayson Ahern address a question from the media following the mobile portal monitor presentation at the U.S. Capitol.

Members of CBP’s Lab Services Division in the Office of Information and Technology explain some of the aspects of their duties during quot;Hill Dayquot; in Washington D.C.
Hill Day - 04/25/2006
Members of CBP’s Lab Services Division in the Office of Information and Technology explain some of the aspects of their duties during “Hill Day” in Washington D.C.

General Kostelnik, Assistant Commissioner of CBP Air and Marine and David Aguilar, Chief of  Border Patrol look at a new uniform being released to pilots during quot;Hill Dayquot; in Washington D.C.
Hill Day - 04/25/2006
General Kostelnik, Assistant Commissioner of CBP Air and Marine and David Aguilar, Chief of Border Patrol look at a new uniform being released to pilots during “Hill Day” in Washington D.C.

CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar speaks at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C.
Heritage Foundation - 04/25/2006
CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar speaks at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C.

CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar speaks at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C.
Heritage Foundation - 04/25/2006
CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar speaks at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C.

CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar speaks at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C.
Heritage Foundation - 04/25/2006
CBP Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar speaks at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C.

Acting Commissioner Spero administers the oath of office to Assistant Commissioner Kostelnik during the Air & Marine badge ceremony in Washington D.C.
Historic Badging Event for Air and Marine Directors - 03/30/2006
Acting Commissioner Spero administers the oath of office to Assistant Commissioner Kostelnik during the Air & Marine badge ceremony in Washington D.C.

CBP Directors of Air Operations prepare to reaffirm the oath of office during the Air & Marine badge ceremony in Washington D.C.
Historic Badging Event for Air and Marine Directors - 03/30/2006
CBP Directors of Air Operations prepare to reaffirm the oath of office during the Air & Marine badge ceremony in Washington D.C.

CBP Acting Commissioner Deborah J. Spero speaks at today’s badging ceremony held at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington, D.C.
CBP Badging Ceremony, Washinton, D.C. - 03/08/2006
CBP Acting Commissioner Deborah J. Spero speaks at today’s badging ceremony held at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington, D.C.

CBP Acting Commissioner Deborah J. Spero pins the new badge onto an Agent stationed in Washington, D.C.
CBP Badging Ceremony, Washinton, D.C. - 03/08/2006
CBP Acting Commissioner Deborah J. Spero pins the new badge onto an Agent stationed in Washington, D.C.

CBP Acting Commissioner Deborah J. Spero along with Deputy Assistant Commissioner William S. Heffelfinger present Buddy Shipp an award for his volunteer work in New Orleans during the Katrina clean up.
Award Presented to Buddy Shipp for Volunteer Work During Katrina Clean Up - 03/08/2006
CBP Acting Commissioner Deborah J. Spero along with Deputy Assistant Commissioner William S. Heffelfinger present Buddy Shipp an award for his volunteer work in New Orleans during the Katrina clean up.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff and Secretary of Governance of Mexico Abascal signing Action Plan to combat border violence and increase public safety.
Signing of Action Plan - 03/03/2006
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff and Secretary of Governance of Mexico Abascal signing Action Plan to combat border violence and increase public safety.

Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Stewart Baker comments on port security.
Port Security - 02/21/2006
Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Stewart Baker comments on port security.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Assistant Commissioner Jay Ahern comments on port security.
Port Security - 02/21/2006
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Assistant Commissioner Jay Ahern comments on port security.

Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Stewart Baker comments on port security.
Port Security - 02/21/2006
Department of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary Stewart Baker comments on port security.

Admiral Thomas Gilmore, of the United States Coast Guard, comments on port security.
Port Security - 02/21/2006
Admiral Thomas Gilmore, of the United States Coast Guard, comments on port security.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Assistant Commissioner Jay Ahern comments on port security.
Port Security - 02/21/2006
U.S. Customs and Border Protection Assistant Commissioner Jay Ahern comments on port security.

Acting Commissioner Spero dedicated new offices in New Orleans, LA along with Assistant Commissioner Richard Balaban, Office of Finance, and Deputy Assistant Commissioner William Heffelfinger, Office of Field Operations.
Acting Commissioner Deborah Spero Dedicates New CBP Offices in New Orleans, LA - 02/13/2006
Acting Commissioner Spero dedicated new offices in New Orleans, LA along with Assistant Commissioner Richard Balaban, Office of Finance, and Deputy Assistant Commissioner William Heffelfinger, Office of Field Operations.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff answers questions at todays press event held in Washington, D.C. concerning the Secure Border Initiative.
Secure Border Initiative (SBI) Press Event, Washington, D.C. - 02/09/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff answers questions at todays press event held in Washington, D.C. concerning the Secure Border Initiative.

Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar answers questions during a press event held in Washington, D.C. concerning the Secure Border Initiative.
Secure Border Initiative (SBI) Press Event, Washington, D.C. - 02/09/2006
Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar answers questions during a press event held in Washington, D.C. concerning the Secure Border Initiative.

Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar speaks about violence against Border Patrol Agents at a press event held in Washington, D.C. concerning the Secure Border Initiative.
Secure Border Initiative (SBI) Press Event, Washington, D.C. - 02/09/2006
Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar speaks about violence against Border Patrol Agents at a press event held in Washington, D.C. concerning the Secure Border Initiative.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff makes comments concerning the Secure Border Initiative with Chief David Aguilar of the Border Patrol, left, and John Torres, Deputy Assistant Director of ICE, on right.
Secure Border Initiative (SBI) Press Event, Washington, D.C. - 02/09/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff makes comments concerning the Secure Border Initiative with Chief David Aguilar of the Border Patrol, left, and John Torres, Deputy Assistant Director of ICE, on right.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff makes comments concerning the Secure Border Initiative with Chief David Aguilar of the Border Patrol, left.
Secure Border Initiative (SBI) Press Event, Washington, D.C. - 02/09/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff makes comments concerning the Secure Border Initiative with Chief David Aguilar of the Border Patrol, left.

Department of the Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Timothy Skud, Acting Commissioner Deborah Spero, Office of Field Operations Assistant Commissioner Jayson Ahern, and Office of International Affairs Assistant Commissioner E. Keith Thompson attend February, 9, 2006 meeting of the COAC.
Secure Border Initiative (SBI) Press Event, Washington, D.C. - 02/09/2006
Department of the Treasury Deputy Assistant Secretary Timothy Skud, Acting Commissioner Deborah Spero, Office of Field Operations Assistant Commissioner Jayson Ahern, and Office of International Affairs Assistant Commissioner E. Keith Thompson attend February, 9, 2006 meeting of the COAC.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff discusses new budget items for DHS.
DHS Budget Announcement - 02/06/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff discusses new budget items for DHS.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff discusses new budget items for DHS.
DHS Budget Announcement - 02/06/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff discusses new budget items for DHS.

Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff discusses new budget items for DHS.
DHS Budget Announcement - 02/06/2006
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff discusses new budget items for DHS.

CBP Officer checks inbound vehicles from Canada at the Ambassador Bridge Detroit point of entry during Superbowl week.
Super Bowl XL Security - 02/02/2006
CBP Officer checks inbound vehicles from Canada at the Ambassador Bridge Detroit point of entry during Superbowl week.

Customs and Border Protection Officers check cars entering the U.S. via the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, MI.
Super Bowl XL Security - 02/02/2006
Customs and Border Protection Officers check cars entering the U.S. via the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit, MI.

Customs and Border Protection Officers check cars entering the U.S. via the Windsor Tunnel in Detroit, MI.
Super Bowl XL Security - 02/02/2006
Customs and Border Protection Officers check cars entering the U.S. via the Windsor Tunnel in Detroit, MI.

Customs and Border Protection officers check all vehicles leaving the U.S. through the port of Detroit, MI.
Super Bowl XL Security - 02/02/2006
Customs and Border Protection officers check all vehicles leaving the U.S. through the port of Detroit, MI.

Customs and Border Protection officers check all vehicles leaving the U.S. through the port of Detroit, MI.
Super Bowl XL Security - 02/02/2006
Customs and Border Protection officers check all vehicles leaving the U.S. through the port of Detroit, MI.

Making comments at the CBP kickoff to African American Heritage month, Keynote speaker Ms. Gwendolyn E. Boyd, is the Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
African American Heritage Month - 02/01/2006
Making comments at the CBP kickoff to African American Heritage month, Keynote speaker Ms. Gwendolyn E. Boyd, is the Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.

Members of the internationally renowned Morgan State University Choir sing at the kickoff of African American Heritage Month at CBP headquarters in Washington, D.C.
African American Heritage Month - 02/01/2006
Members of the internationally renowned Morgan State University Choir sing at the kickoff of African American Heritage Month at CBP headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Members of the internationally renowned Morgan State University Choir sing at the kickoff of African American Heritage Month at CBP headquarters in Washington, D.C.
African American Heritage Month - 02/01/2006
Members of the internationally renowned Morgan State University Choir sing at the kickoff of African American Heritage Month at CBP headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Making comments at the CBP kickoff to African American Heritage Month, Keynote speaker Ms. Gwendolyn E. Boyd, is the Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
African American Heritage Month - 02/01/2006
Making comments at the CBP kickoff to African American Heritage Month, Keynote speaker Ms. Gwendolyn E. Boyd, is the Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.

Members of the internationally renowned Morgan State University Choir sing at the kickoff of African American Heritage Month at CBP headquarters in Washington, D.C.
African American Heritage Month - 02/01/2006
Members of the internationally renowned Morgan State University Choir sing at the kickoff of African American Heritage Month at CBP headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Members of the internationally renowned Morgan State University Choir sing at the kickoff of African American Heritage Month at CBP headquarters in Washington, D.C.
African American Heritage Month - 02/01/2006
Members of the internationally renowned Morgan State University Choir sing at the kickoff of African American Heritage Month at CBP headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Members of a fraternity at Howard University show that it is all about the quot;Steppinquot;  at the kickoff of African American Heritage Month at CBP headquarters in Washington, D.C.
African American Heritage Month - 02/01/2006
Members of a fraternity at Howard University show that it is all about the "Steppin" at the kickoff of African American Heritage Month at CBP headquarters in Washington, D.C.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers check all trucks prior to entering Ford Field in Detroit, MI.
Super Bowl XL Security - 01/31/2006
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers check all trucks prior to entering Ford Field in Detroit, MI.

Trucks run through the gamma ray imaging system before entering Ford Field in Detroit, MI.
Super Bowl XL Security - 01/31/2006
Trucks run through the gamma ray imaging system before entering Ford Field in Detroit, MI.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer and his bomb sniffing canine inspect trucks outside of Ford Field in Detroit, MI.
Super Bowl XL Security - 01/31/2006
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer and his bomb sniffing canine inspect trucks outside of Ford Field in Detroit, MI.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection use a variety of tools to check all trucks entering Ford Field in Detroit, MI.
Super Bowl XL Security - 01/31/2006
U.S. Customs and Border Protection use a variety of tools to check all trucks entering Ford Field in Detroit, MI.

Acting CBP Commissioner Deborah Spero provides remarks at an Agriculture Specialist Graduation Ceremony, class 602.
Agriculture Specialists Graduation - 01/31/2006
Acting CBP Commissioner Deborah Spero provides remarks at an Agriculture Specialist Graduation Ceremony, class 602.

Agriculture Specialists file in the auditorium to begin the graduation ceremony for class 602.
Agriculture Specialists Graduation - 01/31/2006
Agriculture Specialists file in the auditorium to begin the graduation ceremony for class 602.

Acting CBP Commissioner Deborah Spero makes remarks at an Agriculture Specialist Graduation Ceremony, class 602.
Agriculture Specialists Graduation - 01/31/2006
Acting CBP Commissioner Deborah Spero makes remarks at an Agriculture Specialist Graduation Ceremony, class 602.

Agriculture Specialists during the playing of the National Anthem at the opening of the graduation ceremony.
Agriculture Specialists Graduation - 01/31/2006
Agriculture Specialists during the playing of the National Anthem at the opening of the graduation ceremony.

Deputy Secretary Michael P. Jackson speaks at the Industry Day event held at the Ronald Reagan Building.
Secure Border Initiative Industry Day - 01/26/2006
Deputy Secretary Michael P. Jackson speaks at the Industry Day event held at the Ronald Reagan Building.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection hosts the Secure Border Initiative Industry Day.
Secure Border Initiative Industry Day - 01/26/2006
U.S. Customs and Border Protection hosts the Secure Border Initiative Industry Day.

New York/New Jersey Port Authority Police Department Sergeant David Lim and CBP Canine Officer Walter C. Riggs pose along with Sirius, a CBP K9, named after Officer Lim's dog who was killed in the Sept 11 attack of the World Trade Center in New York.
Sergeant David Lim and CBP Canine Officer Walter C. Riggs with CBP Canine "Sirius" - 01/25/2006
New York/New Jersey Port Authority Police Department Sergeant David Lim and CBP Canine Officer Walter C. Riggs pose along with Sirius, a CBP K9, named after Officer Lim's dog who was killed in the Sept 11 attack of the World Trade Center in New York.

Acting Commissioner Spero presents awards to the Newark Seaport group
WCO Awards Ceremony - 01/24/2006
Acting Commissioner Spero presents awards to the Newark Seaport group.

Acting Commissioner Spero presents awards to the World Customs Organization Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade group.
WCO Awards Ceremony - 01/24/2006
Acting Commissioner Spero presents awards to the World Customs Organization Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade group.

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