Illuminations: Welcome to Illuminations
Explore our library of 103 online activities that help to make math come alive in the classroom or at home
View our collection of 544 lessons for preK-12 math educators
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Highlighted Activity
Tessellation Creator
Creating Tiling Patterns using Regular Polygons
Tessellation Creator

A tessellation is a repeating pattern of polygons that covers a plane with no gaps or overlaps. Using this tool, explore the shapes and combinations of shapes that can tessellate. What kind of tessellations can you make out of regular polygons?

Highlighted Lesson
Popcorn Anyone?
Developing Number Skills by Playing a Game
Popcorn Anyone?

Shape, dimension, volume, and formula. Discover the relationship among these concepts in a hands-on activity. By creating different popcorn containers from a single sheet of paper, students can answer the question: Which holds more? The results are surprising to many students.


Calculation Nation

Challenge others. Challenge yourself.TM

Sign up for fun at Calculation Nation! Free registration gets you access to the beta version of this online gaming site from Illuminations. Challenge others in math strategy games, and see how you rank.


Success StoriesBright Ideas NewsletterNEW!

Cindy Stofferahn of Sturgis Elementary School bases her entire third-grade curriculum on Illuminations lessons. Cindy was featured in the premiere issue of Bright Ideas, the new Illuminations e-newsletter. Read Cindy’s success story, and sign up to receive future issues of Bright Ideas.

Download Our Fliers

The new school year is coming, and with that an opportunity to reinvigorate your curriculum with new activities. You know about Illuminations, but do your friends and colleagues? Downloads, print, and distribute our fliers. Share the wealth of resources.

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