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Transportation Research > DOT Research Clusters > Modeling and Simulation

Modeling and Simulation Research Cluster 

This cluster supports awareness and cooperation on current data technologies to project future needs and trends as well as address emerging issues. 

If you would like to participate in this cluster by posting your research and commenting on the work of others, please click here to register.

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Announcements: Share and View the Latest News

FHWA Releases Report on May 2010 Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation Workship 
by Matthew KleinNo presence information
 10/11/2011 9:59 AM
The report summarizes a workshop held in May 2010 as part of an ongoing effort to examine Agent-­‐‑Based Modeling
and Simulation and its application in transportation research.
MIT researchers have created a new Urban Network Analysis (UNA) toolbox  
by Matthew KleinNo presence information
 9/8/2011 5:34 PM



September 6, 2011

MIT researchers have created a new Urban Network Analysis (UNA) toolbox that enables urban designers and planners to describe...

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Shared Documents: Upload, Create and View Files

AP9_TFM_Report_final.docAP9_TFM_Report_finalNo presence informationAlbert Schwartz
AP9_MS_TIM_Paper_Final_101504.pdfAP9_MS_TIM_Paper_Final_101504No presence informationAlbert Schwartz
AP9_System_Wide_Modeling_final.pdfAP9_System_Wide_Modeling_finalNo presence informationAlbert Schwartz
Success story on Optimizing weld integrity of X80 and X100 pipe.pdfSuccess story on Optimizing weld integrity of X80 and X100 pipeNo presence informationJames Merritt
Success story Evaluation of Hydrogen cracking in weld metal deposited by Cellulosic coated electrodes.pdfSuccess story Evaluation of Hydrogen cracking in weld metal deposited by Cellulosic coated electrodesNo presence informationJames Merritt

Discussion Board: Post your Questions and Answers

No presence informationzChris OttReply Reply0
No presence informationMJ FioccoReply Reply0

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Useful Links: Share Your Favorite Sites

 FAA Simulation & Analysis Team (AJP-661)
 U.S. DOT Freight Model Improvement Program (FMIP)
 Travel Model Improvement Program (FHWA)
 Transportation Research Project & Program Management Community
 Transportation Resesarch Board
 Research and Innovative Technology Administration
 US Department of Transportation

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