Welcome to Army Medical Department Center and School (AMEDDC&S)  
32D Medical Brigade
32d Medical Brigade Mission
Provide mission command, logistical and operational support to safely and effectively train and qualify technically and tactically skilled warrior medics and leaders who embody the warrio ethos and live the army values.
Who We Are
The Department of Defense`s premier training brigade -- leading and partnering in the development of the tri-service medical training environment to fulfill the operational requirements of our Army and conserve the fighting strength of the Nation.


Organized 1 June 1940 in the Regular Army at Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, as the Provisional Medical Battalion, Medical Field Service School.

Consolidated 11 August 1940 with the 32d Medical Battalion (concurrently constituted in the Regular Army), and designated as the 32d Medical Battalion.

Inactivated 30 April 1948 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

Redesignated 19 August 1992 as the 132d Medical Battalion.

Headquarters, 132d Medical Battalion, redesignated 1 October 2002 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 32d Medical Brigade concurrently transferred to the United States Army Medical Command and activated at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
32d Medical Brigade Organization
187 Medical Battalion
232 Medical Battalion
264 Medical Battalion
AMEDD Student Detachment
Contact Us
32D Medical Brigade
The 187th Medical Battalion`s mission is to provide command and control, conduct training, and ensure sustainment and readiness for the 187th Medical Battalion Soldiers, Civilians and Families in a safe environment while promoting the Army Values and instilling Warrior Ethos.
The 232nd Medical Battalion`s mission is to train and graduate highly motivated, disciplined, physically fit, technically and tactically competent Soldier Medics with a Warrior Spirit that live by the Army values.
The 264th Medical Battalion`s mission is to provide command and control, logistical and operational support to safely and effectively train and qualify highly motivated, technically proficient and tactically skilled, well-disciplined Soldiers who embody the Army Values, live the Warrior Ethos.

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Contact Us
32d Medical Brigade
(210) 221-5105
2355 Harney Path, Bldg 902
Fort Sam Houston, TX  78234
    187th Medical Battalion, 32d Medical Brigade
    (210) 221-0313
    2745 Harney Path,Suite 187
    Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234

    232d Medical Battalion, 32d Medical Brigade
    (210) 221-3125
    3250 Koehler Street, Suite 1350
    Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234

    264th Medical Battalion, 32d Medical Brigade
    (210) 221-0691
    2745 Harney Path, Suite 264
    Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
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This Web site provides an introduction to the U.S. Army Medical Department's headquarters organizations, which are the Office of the Army Surgeon General and U.S. Army Medical Command headquarters. It is intended for interested members of the public, news media and Army Medical Department beneficiaries.
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