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Webinar Description

FMCSA Improvements to the A&I Web site
-7/14/2010 - 1:00 PM EST

A&I Online is an FMCSA Internet Web site (http://ai.volpe.dot.gov/) that provides safety information ranging from evaluation of commercial motor vehicle operators to assessing individual motor carrier safety records to analysis of FMCSA and State motor carrier safety programs — and more. The site is increasingly being used by stakeholders throughout the motor carrier industry, including FMCSA and State safety enforcement personnel, motor carriers, shippers, the insurance industry, Federal and State safety managers, and the public. It is anticipated that more than 4 million visits will be made to the A&I Web site in 2010, underscoring the continued trend of substantial growth in the number of visitors. In this webinar, Scott Valentine of the ART Analysis Division will provide an update on the review and improvements that FMCSA is continuing to make to the A&I Web site to make it an even more effective tool that helps visitors efficiently use data and analysis from the Web site to progress more rapidly toward their shared safety goals.

60 minutes

Video presentation: FMCSA Improvements to the A&I Web site  Presentation Video
Presentation Audio: FMCSA Improvements to the A&I Web site  Presentation Audio
Slide presentation: FMCSA Improvements to the A&I Web site  Slides
Q and A Session: FMCSA Improvements to the A&I Web site  Q & A Audio
Transcript: FMCSA Improvements to the A&I Web site  Transcript

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