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Entrepreneurship and Business Development | Research Reports

Assessing the Landscape of Local Food in Appalachia
May 2012
Jean Haskell, Ph.D., for the Appalachian Regional Commission
This report examines the burgeoning local food movement in the Appalachian Region, describes best practices, and analyzes gaps and opportunities for expanding this sector of the economy.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (650 KB)
Industry Structure and Company Strategies of Major Domestic and Foreign Wind and Solar Energy Manufacturers: Opportunities for Supply Chain Development in Appalachia
November 2009
Susman, G.I., and Glasmeier, A.K.
This report presents results from a study of the status of the solar- and wind-energy industries in the Appalachian Region and the challenges firms and state governments face in preparing for and competing in these rapidly emerging industries.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (2.4 MB)
Creating an Entrepreneurial Appalachian Region: Findings and Lessons from an Evaluation of the ARC’s Entrepreneurship Initiative 1997-2005
April 2008
Rural Policy Research Institute
An evaluation of ARC's Entrepreneurial Initiative in terms both of outcomes achieved by a sample of funded projects and of broader policy impacts across the region.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (3.2 MB)
The Upskilling of Appalachia: Earnings and the Improvement of Skill Levels, 1960 -- 2000
September 2007
Black, Dan A., Kelvin M. Pollard, and Seth G. Sanders
University of Chicago, Population Reference Bureau, and University of Maryland at College Park
This report examines the improvement of Appalachia’s economic fortunes relative to those in rest of the country since 1960—particularly among men and women of prime working age (ages 25 to 64).
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (132 KB)
Access to Capital and Credit for Small Businesses in Appalachia
April 2007
National Community Reinvestment Coalition
This April 2007 report provides an assessment of the access to capital and credit for small business in the Appalachian Region.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (1.4 MB)
Sources of Regional Growth in Non-Metro Appalachia
January 2007
Economic Development Research Group, Inc., Regional Technology Strategies, Inc., MIT Dept of Urban Studies and Planning
The Sources of Growth project is part of a series of research efforts funded by the Appalachian Regional Commission to improve understanding of factors affecting economic growth in rural and distressed areas.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report (Volumes 1 – 4) in PDF (4 MB)
Displacement in Appalachia and the Non-Appalachian United States, 1993-2003: Findings Based on Five Displaced Worker Surveys
December 2005
Herzenberg, Stephan, Mark Price, and Howard Wial
Keystone Research Center
This report looks at worker displacement in the Appalachian Region during the past decade.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (1.5 MB)
Assessing the Impact of Trade Liberalization on Import-Competing Industries in the Appalachian Region
July 2005
Bernard, Andrew B., J. Bradford Jensen, and Peter K. Schott
Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth and NBER, Institute for International Economics, and Yale School of Management and NBER
This report details the significant pressure Appalachian manufacturing will face from import competition over the near and medium term and the relatively larger industrial and community adjustments that the Region faces compared to the rest of the US.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (600 KB)
Creating Regional Advantage in Appalachia: Towards a Strategic Response to Global Economic Restructuring
April 2005
Keystone Research Center
This report documents the findings of field research in seven Appalachian states on responses to worker displacement and economic restructuring. The seven states are New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Georgia.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (200 KB)
Underemployment in Appalachia and the Rest of the United States
January 2005
Price, Mark and Howard Wial
Keystone Research Center
This data brief contains estimates of underemployment in Appalachia by state and by demographic group for each year from 1996 to 2004. These estimates are derived from the Current Population Survey (CPS).
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (121 KB)
Analysis of Global Competitiveness of Selected Industries and Clusters in the Appalachian Region
November 2004
Jack Faucett Associates and Economic Development Research Group
Report #1 in a series of transportation and trade studies of the Appalachian Region
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (4 MB)
The Appalachian Economy, Establishment and Employment Dynamics, 1982-1997: Evidence from the Longitudinal Business Database
May 2003
Foster, Lucia
Bureau of the Census Center for Economic Studies
This report describes the Appalachian Region's economy in terms of the entry and exit of establishments and their wage and employment dynamics and to compare these to the rest of the U.S. economy from 1982 to 1997.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (200 KB)
Regional Technology Assets and Opportunities: The Geographic Clustering of High-Tech Industry, Science and Innovation in Appalachia
August 2002
Feser, Edward and Harvey Goldstein
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
This study identifies sub-regional concentrations of businesses, universities, colleges, and labs that involve technology-related employment, R&D, and applied innovation within and adjacent to ARC's 406 counties.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (8 MB)
Evaluation of the Appalachian Regional Commission's Vocational Education and Workforce Training Projects
January 2002
Westat Corporation
This study examined 92 projects, including workforce and displaced-worker training, vocational education, apprenticeships, and basic and adult literacy projects that were started and completed during the 1995–2000 period.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (1.3 MB)
Analysis of Business Formation, Survival, and Attrition Rates of New and Existing Firms and Related Job Flows in Appalachia
October 2001
The Brandow Company
A longitudinal economic analysis of business formation, survival, and attrition rates for new and existing firms.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (2 MB)
An Assessment of Labor Force Participation Rates and Underemployment in Appalachia
August 2001
Bradley, David H., Stephen A. Herzenberg, and Howard Wial
Keystone Research Center
This study provides county-level measures of labor force participation and underemployment rates for the years 1993 to 1998.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (350 KB)
Manufacturing Wage Inequality in the Appalachian Region: 1963–1992
May 2001
Galbraith, James K.
University of Texas
This study examines the inequality in manufacturing pay between manufacturing plants within states and counties of the United States, and compares them to Appalachia.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (2 MB)
Evaluation of the Early Stages of the Appalachian Regional Commission's Entrepreneurship Initiative
March 2001
Regional Technology Strategies, Inc.
This study provided an early evaluation of the Appalachian Regional Commission's entrepreneurship program.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (600 KB)
An Analysis of the Economic Development Role of Business Associations and Other Intermediary Organizations Serving Appalachian Industries, Volume I: Report and Volume II: Appendix
April 2000
McCormick, Lynn E.
Hunter College at The City University of New York
This report examines the economic development role of business associations and shows how collaboration among firms through business associations and other entities can increase the participating firms' competitiveness.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (850 KB)
Birth and Death of Manufacturing Plants and Restructuring in Appalachia's Industrial Economy, 1963–1992: Evidence from the Longitudinal Research Database
November 1998
Jensen, J. Bradford
H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon Census Research Data Center, Carnegie Mellon University
This report paints a statistical portrait of Appalachia's manufacturing sector, focusing on the rate of entry and exit of new and old establishments, the pay and productivity characteristics of plants in Appalachia, the role of branch plants in the Region
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (150 KB)
The Economic Impact of Tobacco Production in Appalachia
November 1998
Wood, Lawrence E., Intern
Appalachian Regional Commission
This study examines the distribution and economic impact of burley tobacco production in the Appalachian Region and the long-term diversification options.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (150 KB)
Capital and Credit Needs in the Appalachian Region
February 1998
Mt. Auburn Associates, Inc., with Communty Investment Associates
This study examines how conditions in the Appalachian economy and the functioning of its capital markets affect availability of capital and credit for businesses, and identifies ways to address business credit and capital needs in the Appalachian Region.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (13.2 MB)
Exports, Competitiveness, and Synergy in Appalachian Industry Clusters
February 1997
Rosenfeld, Stuart A.
Regional Technology Strategies, Inc.
This report analyzes seven industry sectors pre-selected by the Appalachian Regional Commission on the basis of their importance to the region's economy and export potential.
Abstract & Report Contents   Full Report in PDF (4 MB)