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Education and Training


Appalachian Teaching Project
On November 30 and December 1, 2012, students and faculty representing 15 Appalachian colleges and universities participated in the 12th annual Appalachian Teaching Project (ATP) conference in Washington, D.C. The ATP gives college students the opportunity to engage in research projects that address endemic challenges facing Appalachian communities and to present the results of their research to an audience of their peers, ARC staff and administrators, and other invited guests. Presentations at the 2012 conference highlighted topics including addressing environmental issues, preserving Appalachian agricultural heritage, building community through public art, and mapping and promoting community assets.

More information on the Appalachian Teaching Project

Education and training are driving forces behind Appalachia's economic growth, preparing students and workers to compete successfully in the world economy. ARC education and training activities focus on a range of issues including workforce skills, early childhood education, dropout prevention, and improved college attendance.

Strategies include:

  • Supporting the development and expansion of workforce training and vocational education programs;
  • Supporting local and regional efforts that raise the levels of educational achievement and attainment for all students;
  • Supporting programs that increase college-going rates;
  • Supporting the development of access to early childhood education programs; and
  • Supporting dropout prevention programs.
Appalachian Higher Education Network

In 1998, ARC began developing what is now the Appalachian Higher Education (AHE) Network, a group of state-based centers whose mission is to work with high schools to increase the college-going rate in Appalachia. The AHE Network currently consists of nine centers located in nine Appalachian states: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

AHE Network centers provide grants of approximately $2,000–$10,000 to high schools in their service areas via a competitive process. The schools then implement low-cost, high-impact activities and services to encourage participation in postsecondary education, such as college campus and worksite visits, financial aid training, occupational interest surveys, and assistance with college selection and application processes. Recently the AHE Network centers began developing strategies to track college completion rates for the students they serve.

The centers are supported by a technical assistance, training, and support team that helps them implement their activities and has formed a peer learning network to foster both staff professional development and institutional development and sustainability.

Appalachian Higher Education Network Meeting Summaries

In July 2012, ARC held a planning workshop to conduct a strategic review of AHE activities, assess their impact to date, and provide recommendations for the future.

ARC/Oak Ridge National Laboratory 2012 Summer Math-Science-Technology Institute and Science Academy

Two ARC-Oak Ridge National Laboratory programs were held in summer 2012: A high school math-science-technology institute, which is a two-week program for students and teachers; and a middle school science academy, which is a one-week program just for students. More information

Education and Training Links

Research Reports
Data Reports
Examples of Projects
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