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Monday, May 09, 2011

CONTACT: Sandy Scott
Phone: 202-606-6724


2011 Commission Allocations and Instructions for Amending Administrative, PDAT, and Disability Grants


On Friday, April 15, 2011 the President signed the Continuing Resolution funding the Federal Government, including the Corporation, for the rest of 2011. Attached is the chart showing the final amounts for your 2011 Administrative, PDAT, and Disability grants. The total amount available for the grants was subject to a mandatory rescission. Because American Samoa is not applying for 2011 funds, the rescission had minimal negative impact on the allocations to the remaining states. The allocations were also adjusted based on current census data. As a result, some states will receive an increase in Administrative funds over their 2010 allocations. Because allocations for all three grants may be different from the 2010 amounts you used in your November 2010 submissions, we expect many of you will need to revise the budgets you submitted last November.

Impact of the January 31, 2011 FFR on Carryover Availability for Administrative, PDAT, and Disability Grants. As noted in our original guidance, the Corporation will deduct unexpended funds reported on the FFR for the period ending 12/31/10 when we award the remainder of your 2011 grants. If you wanted to carry over any unexpended funds, you should have included the amount in the 2011 budget request submitted in November 2010. If you received a no-cost extension on any of your grants that expired in 2010 to use unexpended funds in 2011, that amount will be deducted from the new grant.

When you submitted your FFR, your grants officer compared the amount reported as the unobligated balance to the estimated unexpended funds amounts that were included in your Administrative, PDAT, and Disability applications submitted in November. In circumstances where the estimated amount of carryover exceeds the funds reported in the FFR, your grants officer will advise you that you need to modify your budget accordingly in the amended application.

Required Commission Actions. Tell your program officer which grants need budget revisions. They will initiate amendments and return them to you for adjustments. If you are making no budget revisions, your program officer will initiate an amendment to award the remainder of your 2011 grants.

If you are making revisions:

  1. Adjust your budget according to your new allocation;
  2. Re-submit the adjusted amendment to the Corporation by C.O.B Friday, May 13, 2011.

We expect to complete all awards by Thursday, June 30, 2011. Amendments for supplemental funding are expected to be awarded by August 15, 2011.

Administrative and Disability Supplemental Awards. We described the process for requesting supplemental Administrative, PDAT, and Disability in the application instructions. Unfortunately, just as in 2010, there will be no funds available for PDAT supplemental awards. In order to be considered for Administrative and/or Disability supplemental funding, your request must have been received as part of the application you submitted in November 2010.

Supplemental grants will be awarded when the amount available is determined. Once we complete awards for the remainder of your allocation, the Corporation will allocate the available Administrative funds to those states requesting them based on our population-based formula up to the level requested. Disability funds will be allocated based on a pro-rata amount for each category up to the level requested by the commission. Program officers will initiate another amendment and return it to you in eGrants to amend your budget up to the amount of supplemental funds available to you. Supplemental awards will be made only for activities consistent with the allowable uses of Administrative and Disability funds.

Supplemental funds are only available to commissions that request their full allocations, demonstrate the capacity to use the additional funds, and are free of outstanding compliance or audit issues.

2011 Final Allocations Admin, PDAT and Disability Awards Timeline

- Monday, May 9, 2011: Conversations with program officers to initiate amendments.

- Friday, May 13, 2011: Last day for commissions to resubmit amendment applications, with revised budgets, to the Corporation.

- Tuesday, May 31, 2011: Last day for Program Officers to send requests for application clarification or adjustment and return the amendment applications to you if additional adjustments are necessary.

- Wednesday, June 8, 2011: Last day for commissions to return completed applications with revised budgets to the Corporations in eGrants.

- Thursday, June 30, 2011: Last day for the Corporation to award final Administrative, PDAT, and Disability awards.

- August 15, 2011: Last day for the Corporation to award supplemental Administrative and/or Disability awards.

Please remember the Corporation will not award the grants if a commission has not submitted financial reports; closeout documents or actions are overdue, the commission is not meeting matching requirements; the commission’s CCR registration is not current, and/or there are outstanding A-133 or IG audit issues.

Please feel free to call your Program or Grants Officer if you have any questions. Please contact your Grants Officer if you need to confirm your unexpended funds.

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