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Tuesday, April 19, 2011



Update on Fiscal Year 2011 Budget


Dear Colleagues,

On Friday President Obama signed a Continuing Resolution that funds the federal government for the rest of fiscal year 2011. 

In total, the continuing resolution provides $1.077 billion for the Corporation for National and Community Service and its programs, about 94% of our FY 2010 enacted level.  The final funding level is a testament to your work and the critical role national service plays in our communities and our nation.  This budget allows CNCS and its network of grantees to engage millions of Americans in sustained service to solve community problems, support our most vulnerable citizens, strengthen America’s nonprofit sector, and transform lives. 

The continuing resolution also contained several cuts to our programs. 

·         RSVP was funded at $50.4 million, a reduction of $12.6 million over FY 2010.

·         AmeriCorps State and National Grants were funded at $350 million, a reduction of $22.5 million from FY 2010.

·         Learn and Serve America funding was reduced by $39.5 million, eliminating FY 2011 funding for the program.

·         CNCS funding as a whole will be subject to an additional .2% rescission that is being applied across the board to non-defense federal agencies.

We are reviewing the legislative language and other guidance from Congress as we develop our implementation plans for this continuing resolution, which comes more than halfway into the fiscal year.  As we develop these plans, we will aim to minimize the impact of the reductions on our grantees, participants, and the communities and individuals they serve.  We remain committed to service-learning, and want to work with you on creative ways to carry this important work forward.

In this time of fiscal restraint, it is critical to focus our efforts, make the best use of our resources, and demonstrate our impact.  That’s what Congress and the President have called for, and what our communities demand.  Given your past work and commitment, I know we can meet this challenge.

Many of you, undoubtedly, have questions about the budget.  We will share more information through conference calls and other communications in the weeks ahead.

On behalf of CNCS, I want to thank you for your support of our mission.  Your contributions touch people’s lives in so many significant ways, and I appreciate your dedication and commitment to national service.


Patrick A. Corvington

Chief Executive Officer

Corporation for National and Community Service

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