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Thursday, August 26, 2010



Commission Executive Director Calls - UPDATE - Conference Call Reminder


Good morning,

This is a friendly reminder to those of you who haven’t yet responded. We still have spaces available for the calls on Friday, Thursday and a few spots left for Wednesday.  Monday is nearly full.

Please e-mail me back to reserve a spot.




Dear Executive Directors:

Daniel and Heather have established the times and dates and call information for our 4 upcoming calls involving you and John Gomperts. Please let Heather McDonald know which call you would like to be on. We are limiting each call to no more than 15 people in order to promote more participation for all involved. We therefore ask that you participate in just one call. Should you not be available, please let us know which commission staff person will be taking your place.

Call Information (for all 4 calls):

Phone: 800-619-2434;
Code 31303;
Call leader: Daniel Barutta

Dates & Times

Call #1: Friday, August 27th at 11:00 am ET;
Call #2: Monday, August 30th at 11:00 am ET;
Call #3: Wednesday, Sept. 1 at 3:00 pm;
Call #4: Thursday, Sept. 2 at 4:00 pm.

Again, please contact Heather McDonald by email with your preference: . We will do our best to accommodate everyone’s first option

Thank you!

Daniel Barutta
Call Leader


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