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United We Serve /


Monday, August 24, 2009

CONTACT: Amy Borgstrom
Phone: 202-606-6930


9/11 Conference Call


Colleagues -

Thank you so much for your continuing support as we enter the final weeks before September 11’s “National Day of Service and Remembrance.” Many of you followed up last week’s UWS emails with insightful questions, ideas, and suggestions. As a result, we wanted to offer state office staff and state commission staff two options to join the United We Serve project management team on a conference call this week to discuss plans for September 11 and to answer your questions directly:The information that we provide on both calls will be identical so please join at your convenience and please note that if you cannot join a call, we will have recordings available.:

Wednesday, August 26, 3 pm EST
Dial In: 1-800-857-0884
Passcode: 7675974

Thursday, August 27, 3 pm EST
Dial In: 1-888-790-1803
Passcode: 2099836 

The agenda will include:

  • Overview of United We Serve successes with Jackie Norris, Senior Advisor to the CNCS CEO
  • Updates on the 9/11 plans
  • Press strategies and with Sandy Scott, CNCS Director of Media Relations
  • Answering your questions / listening to your suggestions

Again, thank you so much for your commitment to making the National Day of Service and Remembrance a success and we look forward to hearing from you on the calls,

The United We Serve Team

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