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Thursday, August 07, 2008

CONTACT: Mikel Herrington
Phone: 202-606-6706


Important AmeriCorps State Program Updates


2009 Commission Admin/PDAT/Disability Allocations

As part of our move to one-year funding, the Corporation is releasing the attached draft Admin/PDAT/Disability allocation chart at this time to alert commissions to changes in your 2009 Administrative allocations. In 2009, the Corporation will redistribute unrequested Administrative, PDAT and Disability funds in the form of supplemental awards to commissions who meet published criteria.

Administrative Grants

The anticipated total Commission Administrative (Admin) grant allocation on the attached chart ($11,790,000) is equal to the current House and Senate marks, which are equivalent to the enacted 2008 allocation that will serve as the level of funding if there is a continuing resolution in 2009. Since the Corporation now operates under one-year funding authority, there will be no Admin grant carry-over from 2008 to supplement the 2009 appropriation. In recent years, this carry-over has been instrumental in enabling the Corporation to maintain at least level funding of Admin grants to commissions. Without carryover to supplement the anticipated appropriation, most commissions will experience reductions in their 2009 Admin grants (see ‘08/’09 comparison on the attached draft chart).

PDAT Grants

The total 2009 PDAT allocation is expected to be approximately the same as 2008. However, individual allocations for commissions have been updated (see attached chart). You will recall that at the Commission ED meeting last December the updated PDAT allocations were released to you, and the Corporation announced that it would postpone implementation of the updated allocations until FY 2009 so that commissions experiencing reductions would have time to plan for the adjustment. The update reflects a reapplication of the formula for calculating commission PDAT for the first time since 1998. The recalculated allocations were necessary to accurately reflect changes in state commission portfolios with regard to numbers of programs and members (including National programs and members in each state) supported through PDAT resources.

Disability Grants

The 2009 Disability allocations are not expected to change from 2008 (see attached chart). In 2008, the Corporation increased the total allocation for Disability grants to $3 million, and implemented new commission allocations.

Additional 2008 Supplemental Disability Available

We have identified the availability of approximately $200,000 in 2008 funding for additional supplemental Disability grants. We will offer supplemental funds to commissions who were awarded their full allocations, can demonstrate the capacity to use additional Disability funds, and are free of outstanding compliance or audit issues that would preclude an award of additional Disability funds. If your commission is interested in applying for these funds, then please do so according to the following protocol:

August 7th – Commissions must submit their request via email to their CNCS program officer and grants officer. The email should include the amount of supplemental funding requested as well as a description of the activities to which the commission intends to apply the funds. Remember that commissions requesting supplemental Disability funds should allocate them to one-time activities that do not require on-going support.

August 12th through the 14th – POs will inform commissions of the status of their request and work with them through the amendment process to initiate the supplemental award. Commissions will request their program officer to return their Disability applications to them. Commissions will insert their requests for supplemental Disability funds (with separate justification and a separate budget) in the “Program Narrative” or “Program Narrative Continued” section of eGrants. Supplemental awards for activities consistent with the allowable uses of Disability funds are subject to the availability of funds.

August 29th – Supplemental Disability awards completed.

2008 Executive Directors Conference and Commissioners Institute

Attached are the draft agendas of the 2008 Executive Directors Conference and Commissioners Institute. These agendas are subject to change. In addition, we have attached a flyer with registration information for the conference and institute. The links to registration for the conference and institute will go live on Monday, August 4th. Please note that the registration deadline is August 28th.

Important points to remember:

  • The registration fee for the ED Conference and Commissioner Institute is $200 per person. The charge is a one-time fee whether an individual chooses to attend one or both events. For example, an executive director attending both the ED conference and the Commissioner Institute would only pay $200.
  • The conference and the institute are two separate events that overlap on Wednesday morning, September 24th. Commission EDs who are interested in attending the Commissioner Institute should not plan to do so before the joint luncheon on Wednesday.
  • There will be a place on the ED Conference registration site to indicate if you plan to attend the remainder of the Commissioner Institute after the ED conference concludes.

We look forward to seeing you in September!

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