Social Media Guidance


The ARM Climate Research Facility (ARM) welcomes comments on our website, blog, and our social media sites such as Facebook, Flickr, and YouTube. Comments are welcome at any time; however, responses to comments will generally occur during regular business hours Monday through Friday.

ARM reserves the right to remove comments or wall posts that contain vulgar language or offensive remarks. We also reserve the right to delete comments that contain “spam;” include links to other sites; are clearly off-topic; advocate illegal activity; promote particular services, products, or political organizations; infringe on copyrights or trademarks; or are outdated.

Questions or comments that ARM receives may be rewritten or combined with similar questions and added to the Frequently Asked Questions page. If you have any questions concerning the operation of this online moderated discussion, please contact us at

Images and Videos

All ARM users are encouraged to submit their images and videos for inclusion by emailing the Communications Team at ARM uses Flickr and YouTube to host our photos, graphics, logos, and videos. We look forward to receiving your contributions. For information about the file formats and sizes we can accept, please see Flickr's guidelines (photos, videos) and YouTube's guidelines.

In compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, we provide captions for videos posted on YouTube. For information about customizing captions, please see YouTube's captioning help.

Because ARM is a U.S. government program, the content of our image and video libraries are public domain. ARM policy is to request that external users cite images as "*Image* or *photo* courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy ARM Climate Research Facility." Furthermore, it is not ARM policy to cite specific photographers when using images or videos that have been accepted into our libraries. Submitted items may be posted to our Flickr site, used in promotional materials or news posts, or incorporated in part or in whole into videos that ARM produces. As appropriate, ARM will list image or video credits on Flickr or in the credits of videos we share or produce.

ARM does not collect personal information. If you choose to provide that information to us, it is only used to fulfill your request for information. For the more on privacy, see our Privacy and Security policy.