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Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEGs)

EEG Library

The DRAFT revised Exercise Evaluation Guide (EEG) templates, as well as other exercise planning documents to support their use, can now be found in the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Volume IV Library. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)/National Exercise Division (NED) has chosen to publish the evaluation documents in draft form to provide stakeholders with the opportunity to use the revised templates in their current planning activities while the documents are in the final stages of approval. 

The revised format allows users to customize their EEG templates to more effectively meet individual exercise needs. Job aids and various templates will be available to aid in the evaluation and After Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) development process. All EEG related tools and templates are posted in the HSEEP Volume IV Library and include the following:

  • EEG Development/Customization Job Aid: A guidance document that assists exercise design teams to customize the EEG templates to meet specific exercise needs.  Evaluation Planners should read this document before working with the revised templates.
  • Discussion Based EEG Templates
  • Operations Based EEG Templates

  • Evaluator Log Template: Draft template to list exercise objectives and provide evaluators a tool for capturing notes during the exercise

  • AAR Input Template: A template that mirrors the HSEEP AAR/IP format and will easily capture evaluator observations and recommended improvement actions directly from the EEGs

  • Evaluator Orientation Briefing Template: A briefing template for lead evaluators to help familiarize exercise evaluators with the evaluation process and proper use of evaluation documents

  • EEG User Guide: A two-page job aid that summarizes roles and responsibilities of an evaluator before, during, and after the exercise

Follow the directions below to access the documents:

  • Visit: HSEEP Volume IV Library
    • Click on Exercise Planning
      • Click on Operations-Based Exercises or Discussion-Based Exercises
        • Click on Evaluation – You will see:
          • Evaluator Log Template
          • Evaluator Orientation Briefing Template
          • Exercise Evaluation Guides Folder – Click on the link and you will see:
            • EEG Customization Job Aid
            • Evaluator Guidelines Template
            • AAR Data Input Form
            • EEG Templates for all 37 Target Capabilities

Please note that when searching for tools and templates in the “Exercise Evaluation Guides” folder of the Discussion-Based tree, they are not listed in the same logical order as in the Operations-Based folder due to a system coding error that NED is currently correcting.

What will happen to the existing EEG templates?

The existing EEG templates will be phased out as the revised EEG templates are finalized and introduced to exercise planners and evaluators. They will be removed from the HSEEP Web site once the new DRAFT EEG templates and tools are approved as final. The previous EEG templates are still available below, but will be available only by request through the HSEEP Inbox at hseep@dhs.gov once the revised versions are finalized.

Why were the EEG templates updated?

EEG template revisions are based on feedback from the exercise community through the HSEEP Working Group highlighting the need for an easier tool for evaluation. The revised EEGs were piloted at several exercises around the country and revised based upon participant feedback.

How do these EEG templates differ from previous EEG templates?

These EEG templates emphasize the task of evaluating exercise objectives within the scope of capabilities as identified in a jurisdiction’s Training and Exercise Plan (TEP). The templates place a larger emphasis on relevant plans and procedures that should be validated during the exercise and offer a streamlined format that is free of excess information and provides additional white space for evaluator notes. The new format allows greater integration of observations into improvement planning documentation by aligning with the HSEEP AAR/IP template and Corrective Action Program (CAP) System data fields.

Who should use EEG templates?

Exercise planners, lead evaluators, and evaluators.

Whom can I contact regarding the improved EEG templates?

Questions and comments concerning EEG templates or HSEEP can be directed to the FEMA/NED at hseep@dhs.gov.


EEG Builder

The EEG Builder allows Exercise Planners to create customized EEGs by selecting which Activities from a given Capability will be evaluated during an exercise. Exercise Planners will also be able to create customized Tasks and Measures to further focus the evaluation process. Access the EEG Builder.

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