Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature
International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN)
Planetary Names: Search Results

Nomenclature Search Results

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Your search results (1 - 26 of 26)
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Feature ID
Feature Name
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Diameter (km)
Center Latitude Center Longitude Northernmost Latitude Southernmost Latitude Easternmost Longitude Westernmost Longitude Coordinate System
Continent Ethnicity
Feature Type
Feature Type Code
Approval Status
Approval Date
Origin Additional Info
Last Updated
7 Abans Abans Ariel 20 -15.5 251.3 -15.4 -15.7 252.3 250.2 +E (0-360) AS - Persian Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [83] Spirit of the iron mines. Oct 1, 2006
80 Agape Agape Ariel 34 -46.9 336.5 -46.5 -47.3 338.7 334.3 +E (0-360) EU - Great Britain Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [83] Spirit in Spenser's "Fairy Queene." Oct 1, 2006
446 Ataksak Ataksak Ariel 22 -53.1 224.3 -53 -53.2 226.1 222.6 +E (0-360) NA - Eskimo Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [94] Eskimo benevolent spirit. Oct 1, 2006
661 Befana Befana Ariel 21 -17 31.9 -17 -17 33.1 30.6 +E (0-360) EU - Italy Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [83] Good spirit who fills Italian children's stockings with toys on twelfth night. Oct 1, 2006
715 Berylune Berylune Ariel 29 -22.5 327.9 -22.3 -22.6 329.3 326.6 +E (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [97] Good spirit in Maeterlinck's "The Bluebird." Oct 1, 2006
895 Brownie Chasma Brownie Chasma Ariel 343 -16 337.6 -7.4 -15.7 355.6 320.7 +E (0-360) EU - Germany Chasma, chasmata CM - Approved 1988 [86] German good spirits who live in woods. Oct 1, 2006
1462 Deive Deive Ariel 20 -22.3 23 -22.2 -22.3 24.2 21.8 +E (0-360) EU - Lithuania Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [94] Spirit of beautiful maiden. Oct 1, 2006
1555 Djadek Djadek Ariel 22 -12 251.1 -11.7 -12.2 252.1 250.1 +E (0-360) EU - Czechoslovakia Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [83] Czech ancestral benevolent spirit and household guardian. Oct 1, 2006
1570 Domovoy Domovoy Ariel 71 -71.5 339.7 -71.3 -71.7 350.9 328.5 +E (0-360) EU - Slavic Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [83] Slavic spirit protector of home. Oct 1, 2006
1961 Finvara Finvara Ariel 31 -15.8 19 -15.5 -16 20.6 17.4 +E (0-360) EU - Ireland Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [83] Irish king of spirits; provided horses and wine to men. Oct 1, 2006
2297 Gwyn Gwyn Ariel 34 -77.5 22.5 -77.2 -77.8 30.3 14.8 +E (0-360) EU - Ireland Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [83] Irish god of battle; leads mens' souls to Annwn. May 15, 2010
2587 Huon Huon Ariel 40 -37.8 33.7 -37.7 -37.9 36.5 31 +E (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [83] Replaced Oberon as King of Spirits when Oberon died. Oct 1, 2006
2879 Kachina Chasmata Kachina Chasmata Ariel 622 -33.7 246 -23.7 -41.5 278.8 207.9 +E (0-360) NA - Hopi Chasma, chasmata CM - Approved 1988 [93] Pueblo (USA) good spirits who bring rain or other blessings. Oct 1, 2006
2996 Kewpie Chasma Kewpie Chasma Ariel 467 -28.3 326.9 -14.2 -51.2 339.7 303.4 +E (0-360) EU - Great Britain Chasma, chasmata CM - Approved 1988 [94] British race of quaint spirit babies. Oct 1, 2006
3093 Korrigan Chasma Korrigan Chasma Ariel 365 -27.6 347.5 -14.3 -38.2 357.9 328.6 +E (0-360) EU - France Chasma, chasmata CM - Approved 1988 [86] French wind spirits who cure diseases. Oct 1, 2006
3110 Kra Chasma Kra Chasma Ariel 142 -32.1 354.2 -29.9 -34.6 347.3 2.3 +E (0-360) AF - Gold Coast Chasma, chasmata CM - Approved 1988 [94] Vital spirits (Gold Coast). Oct 1, 2006
3236 Laica Laica Ariel 30 -21.3 44.4 -21.2 -21.4 45.8 43 +E (0-360) SA - Inca Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [94] Inca good spirit. Oct 1, 2006
3355 Leprechaun Vallis Leprechaun Vallis Ariel 328 -10.4 10.2 -7.9 -15.5 26 360 +E (0-360) EU - Ireland Vallis, valles VA - Approved 1988 [56] Spirits or dwarfs. Oct 1, 2006
3551 Mab Mab Ariel 34 -38.8 352.2 -38.7 -39 354.2 350.2 +E (0-360) EU - Celtic Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [86] Queen of Spirits, dethroned Titania. Oct 1, 2006
3823 Melusine Melusine Ariel 50 -52.9 8.9 -52.5 -53.4 13.1 4.7 +E (0-360) EU - France Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [86] Spirit heroine of medieval French story. Oct 1, 2006
4471 Oonagh Oonagh Ariel 39 -21.9 244.4 -21.4 -22.4 246.4 242.4 +E (0-360) EU - Ireland Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [92] Irish Queen of Fairies. Oct 1, 2006
4744 Pixie Chasma Pixie Chasma Ariel 278 -20.4 5.1 -19.6 -22.5 22.7 360 +E (0-360) EU - Great Britain Chasma, chasmata CM - Approved 1988 [86] British spirits that live in rocks. Oct 1, 2006
5036 Rima Rima Ariel 41 -18.3 260.8 -18.1 -18.6 263 258.7 +E (0-360) EU - Great Britain Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [96] Spirit in Hudson's "Green Mansions." Oct 1, 2006
5671 Sprite Vallis Sprite Vallis Ariel 305 -14.9 340 -7.6 -14.5 356.4 326.8 +E (0-360) EU - Great Britain Vallis, valles VA - Approved 1988 [56] Earth spirits. Oct 1, 2006
5790 Sylph Chasma Sylph Chasma Ariel 349 -48.6 353 -43.8 -51.5 329.4 18.9 +E (0-360) EU - Great Britain Chasma, chasmata CM - Approved 1988 [94] British air spirits who influence the temperaments man. Oct 1, 2006
6638 Yangoor Yangoor Ariel 78 -68.7 279.7 -68.7 -68.7 291.3 268.2 +E (0-360) OC - Australia Crater, craters AA - Approved 1988 [94] Spirit that brings day. Oct 1, 2006

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