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Moving to a New Duty Station with a Family Member with Special Needs

Whether you are transferring within the United States or overseas, moving your family to a new community is a big undertaking. It is important to begin gathering information about your new location as soon as you receive orders. Researching the availability of services for your family member may seem like an insurmountable task, but your Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Coordinator and Family Support Center can help. Here are some ways to ease your transfer with an exceptional family member:

  • Coordinate with your current EFMP Coordinator. As soon as you receive orders, you should contact the EFMP Coordinator at your current installation. Let them know when you are leaving and the installation to which you will be moving. The EFMP Coordinator can then contact the EFMP Coordinator at the next installation.
  • Contact the housing office at your new installation. If you need accessible housing and wish to live on the installation, contact the housing office at your next duty station directly or ask the EFMP Coordinator to make the contact for you. Depending on your family's requirements and the availability of housing, you may qualify for a priority housing assignment.
  • Hand-carry medical and education records. Keep copies of your enrollee's medical and educational records in a convenient location and make sure you carry them with you when you move. If you have a child in special education, it is especially important to keep the most recent Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and most recent evaluation.
  • Keep your enrollment information current. Enrollees must be re-evaluated every three years or sooner if there is a change in status.




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